Sep 21, 2011 20:43
[OOC: Separating this into another thread because of the notif problems, and because it's getting buried and too long...]
So now it was time to see how everything ended up working together in practice. He blew the whistle to get everyone's attention.
"Okay, here's how this is going to work. First scrimmage we're going to do, St. Clair, you're the quarterback. Puck and Mike are running backs. Faramir, let's try you out at center. Faith, I'm putting you as an offensive tackle. Joslire and myself are going to be receivers. Sam, John and Artie - defense."
He continued assigning the NPC others until he had his field set up rather nicely.
"Looks like we're going to have to go Ironman, so be thinking what you'd like on the other side too. Or what you'd be good at. And let me know if anyone else has significant others who would like to be refs. It's a good safe position if you know someone who can't be out there on the field."
Like Erica, Juliet, and Margaret, for instance.
faith lehane,