Karma and Poetic Justice (Closed to Laura, Sam Panda, Octavian, and Kyla)

Feb 18, 2012 11:18

Six stood on the top of the roof of the hotel and watched as the Centurions took over the village for her. There was a lot of shooting and screaming, but in truth Six didn't find any pleasure in it. She thought maybe she would feel as if some sort of justice was being served with every cry she could make out, but there was nothing to comfort her in those screams. She still felt the same way. Empty, hurt, and lost.

She waited for the one Centurion she sent out on a very special mission: Final Laura Roslin and bring the President of the Colonies to Six on the roof. Six wanted to see what Laura's actions finally resulted in. It wasn't just Six's fault for all this happening. Laura was responsible too. This was for New Caprica.

rooftops, number six

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