Day Care Center -- Under New Management (Dual Pup Post, OTA)

Jul 14, 2012 19:45

Most day care centers didn't have a weapons safe, but most day care centers weren't in villages apt to be invaded by zombies, or aliens, or killer robots. Haurvatat Child Development Center was, and did. Robert St Clair cast a last glance over the contents, guns, ammo, knives, machetes, and crozier lances, and shut the heavy steel door, then checked it to be sure the digital lock had activated. Satisfied, he turned to his friend, and escorted him out to look over the well-fenced, safe and defensible playground -- that also had quite a few interesting play structures in it.

"What do you think, Jos?"

Joslire Ise-I'let had been shown over the whole center as soon after Robert had found the keys in his room as Joslire could get there. As a security troop, and a doting father, he had no fault to find with the security arrangements.

"I think it's good that you've found friends your own emotional age to play with," he said with one eyebrow barely lifted.

"Oho, friend Joslire, it's fortunate for you that I've a good example to set, or I'd have payment for that out of your hide. But rest assured I'll take it out of you with interest later." His boyish grin, and the warmth in Joslire's eyes made it clear that the interplay was enjoyable to both of them, and the threat wasn't serious -- well, not completely.

"I think you and Hannah will be very happy here, and all the children will be sure of a caring and safe haven. There, have I earned any mercy?" Not that Joslire looked frightened at all.

"Perhaps a little."

They both looked up at passers-by, and arrivals, giving friendly nods, and in Robert's case, a smile.

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faith lehane

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