The Master stood looking at the rabble in front of him. How glorious this day would be. Time to address the people of Haurvatat. He made a change to his Blackberry, allowing all people to hear him rather that see his writings.
"Citizens of Haurvatat. This is your Lord and Master. Hold onto your loved ones, because this is, well, the end of everything."
With that he pressed a button on his laser screwdriver, opening the link between the transmitter, the box next to it, and the Fifth Doctor's TARDIS. Looking up, the sky turned red, and a
rift opened in the sky. Out of the rift poured creature after creature, intent on stopping anything which came in it's way.
[ooc: Because of the sheer number of people wishing to take part, please split into two posts otherwise people will suffer from broken browsers. We have been going by first name, so A-L this post. All threads will take place before the one with Ten. And because it's cheesy,
this is what is going through the Master's mind.