[OTA, tag Chuck]

Apr 07, 2009 22:18

The Doctor wandered through the Observatory, taking time-wasting glances at the various exhibits. Plaster and paint representations of the planets and moons of Earth's own system, familiar to schoolchildren across the world. He took an odd sense of comfort from the ordinary surroundings, trying to keep his mind from dwelling on the whereabouts of his TARDIS as well as the power ensconced in the crystal now clutched in his right hand. And who in the village managed to incapacitate not only both Doctors, but also Martha and Data.

The Master. All signs pointed to him, though no concrete proof of him could be found in the village. His future self sensed no other Time Lord minds but the Master was particularly adept at masking his presence whenever he wished. He must had been in the village for months before finally revealing himself during his previous visit to Haurvatat...

The Doctor took careful measures to make certain the Key fragment wouldn't arouse suspicion. Thorough scans of the segment hadn't brought up anything unusual, mostly because of the fragment's natural ability to keep itself hidden.

He stood quietly in front of the exhibit which displayed the moon's pockmarked surface, deftly tossing and catching the crystal in his hand, lost in thought as he awaited Chuck's arrival. The problem was that Time Lord minds were particularly adept at what the humans dubbed 'multitasking'. The Doctor could, in a pinch, worry about five hundred and seventy-four separate events at once, and only a mere handful occupied his attention.

Thus, the worry intensified.

[ooc: he's approachable, if a bit quiet and distracted. so, business as usual. :) slowtime is <3]


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