Streets [OTA, Tag Picard]

Jul 02, 2009 00:17

Odd, how sometimes you could find camaraderie in the strangest places. If this was even camaraderie. It was at least some sort of connection. But it was the last thing left over after Avon's absence, and it happened to be the only possession of his that could talk back. And Data had the flickering box of lights sitting in his lap as he rested on a bench near the hotel.

This time he was being careful. It was light out. He was nowhere near the park, and Orac could warn him if anyone was approaching. That was, if he ever stopped asking unusual questions.

"Please tell me more about the deflector shield grid and how a tetryon compositor assists in the function of a cloaking device."

"It is quite simple actually. The tetryon compositor allows for the usual energy grid that's put by the deflectors to radiate tetryon particles and allows for tachyons to travel through-"

"I am detecting a time ship and a massive teleport system."

"That is the Doctor's TARDIS and Mr. Seven's Beta Five. The TARDIS stands for 'Time and-'"

"Who is the doctor? There are many doctors! I require further specification."

Dayna passed by in time to see Data grudgingly patting the box as if it were an anxious pet that could feel it. An oddly human gesture. She thought of stopping and talking to them, but... instead she kept walking, arms crossed in front of her almost defensively as she guarded from much more thought concerning her lost comrade.

After her last conversation with him, it made her especially heartsick.

[(As usual, slowtime. Let me know who you're tagging.)]
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