Improptu Anniversary (Closed to Jack)

Aug 15, 2009 18:25

She hadn't thought about it until she'd looked at the calendar and did the math. It had been a year - longer if you wanted to get technical but without a traditional dating history to count by getting technical on the issue was like doing calculus with an abacus, so she didn't.

Jack had asked her to go fishing with him earlier, and gone off grumbling about how she still said no and after she'd realized that it was time for an anniversary - of sorts - she decided to capitalize on the fact that he was going to be out all day.

She stocked the fridge and enlisted her dad to stay with Cassie, packed a picnic and dug out some of their field gear from the closet packing what she needed for an old fashioned camp out into her field pack before heading down to the lake to find Jack.

Luckily he had a spot and was easy to find.

"Catch anything?"


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