Oct 03, 2009 11:56
One James T. Kirk was in a mood. He was stuck here in this village. No ship, no way to get to her. He stood near the marina glaring out at the deceptively wide-looking expanse of water as if it had offended him.
And then there was that other issue, that 'Admiral' thing. So when he got out of here and did what he did best, he was going to be 'rewarded' by being stuck behind a desk. On a positive note, now that he knew about it, perhaps he could die heroically before that happened.
He was certain he didn't want to learn any lessons from entities that felt it was appropriate to deprive people of their liberty, and he would be damn'd if he would run through their maze to get his daily ration of cheese.
If he let himself starve to death here, would he get to go back to his ship? He stifled that thought as unworthy, and sighed.