The Highschool meme that's been going around...with bonus Grad pic...hehe.
1. Did you date someone from your school?
I dated boys that had at one time been to my school, yes. They weren't there at the same time I was though. Although it wasn't a conscious decision, I tended to date guys that were older that me and already finished school. Since, at the time, there was only one High School in our town, they had gone there at some point.
2. Did you win anything in Senior's Who's Who?
I don't even know what that is so I would assume no.
3. What kind of car did you drive?
I drove my Mom's '82 Nissan Micra mostly...occasionally my Dad's little Datsun truck.
4. It's Friday night...where r u at?
Likely in the city with friends, or trying to get to the city with friends, or at a friends house wishing we were in the city. I lived in a small town with a major city about 30 minutes away. I love the town now even though I don't live there anymore, but we all hated it at the time. Nothing for teens to do. It has grown, has two High Schools, and more for teens than when I lived there, but it's still pretty small.
5. Were you a party animal?
Not particularly, although I went to my share of parties.
6. Were you considered a flirt?
Hell, no!
7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
I wasn't in choir in High School...only in Junior High. Was in band from Grade 7-12 though. I played the clarinet.
8. Were you a nerd?
Somewhat. I got decent grades, was in band, wasn't super popular, and loved to read.
9. Did you get suspended/expelled?
10. Can you sing the fight song?
We didn't have one.
11. Who were your favorite teachers?
Mrs. Harris, the band teacher. She's still there and not well liked which surprises me because we all loved her. Then again, I heard she had a nervous breakdown a few years back and has been a little weird since then. I think she was always a little weird but we loved her anyway and she loved us...her band geeks.
12. Where did you sit during lunch?
Our school didn't have a cafeteria or lunch area. You either sat in the gym or bandroom, went outside, or left the school grounds. I rarely ever stayed at school for lunch. We either went to the store or local cafe, we to someone's house, or hit up my Dad's pizza place for free food.
13. What was your school's full name?
Cochrane High School
14. School mascot?
The Cobra
15. Homecoming court?
Didn't have one. No homecoming at all. It's an American thing.
16. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
Not on your life!
17. What do you remember most about graduation?
The after party. Grad itself was fine but not memorable. The party after was a party to go down in history.
18. Where did you go senior skip day?
We called it Dam Day because most of the Grade 12 students went out to the nearby dam to swim/jump off the bridge. It was all very unofficial back then and had only been going on a few years. According to my daughter who graduated in the same town this past June, it's still going on and it's a huge big deal.
19. Have you gained some weight since then?
20. Who was your Senior prom date?
John...the man I married two years later and who is the father of both of my girls. We were married 12 years and split up in 2000.
21. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? 10 year reunion was many moons My 20 year reunion was 2 years ago. I didn't go to either.
22. Who was your home room teacher?
We didn't have home room teachers in High School.
23. Who will repost?
No idea.
24. Did you play any sports?
Not in High School, no.
25. Do you still talk to people from school?
A few, yes. Only more recently though because of facebook. I hadn't kept in touch with anyone from High School for years.
26. What year did you graduate?
I'm actually quite horrified at how long ago High School was. Wanna see my typical 80's grad pic? *giggles*