1. Who is the next person you'll hold hands with?
Good Question.
2. Do you sleep with the TV on?
I don't have a t.v. in my room.
3. Have you ever drank alcohol straight from the bottle?
4. Do you think you're old?
God I'm so afraid to grow old.
5. Are you afraid of the dark?
Not at all. I like the dark, my eyes are sensitive to light.
6. Do you like your life right now?
Haha interesting time to ask me this question. This summer will determine a lot.
7. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
It's been a while.
8. Do you knock on wood?
9. Do you have perfect vision?
10. Can you hula hoop?
Not at all.
11. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
I forgive to easily.
12. Do you have a job?
Rita's, soon Bertuccis? Maybe?
13. Are you friends with your ex? Which one?
All of them..sept this kid Shane and Ben Merritt. Not that I'm enemies with them
14. What are you wearing?
Jeans and a sweater that hangs over my shoulders.
15. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
16. Have you ever crawled through a window?
17. Gender?
18. Can you handle the truth?
Depends, sometimes.
19. What was the most recent thing you bought?
Uhhh, coffee.
20. Are you listening to music?
Bright eyes.
21. How many hours are you usually on MySpace?
Once or twice a day?
22. How often do you talk on the phone?
mm Everyday, every other.
23. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
No I do not.
25. Are you in a complicated relationship?
hahahahahaha Boys are ridiculously retarded
26. Do you hate more than 3 people?
Hate is a strong word but when it comes down to it I only hate one person.
27. Have you ever tripped someone?
mm not on purpose.
28. Name one thing that is always on your mind:
There are so many things on my mind.
29. Whats your sign?
I'm a Gemini.
30. What time and where were you born?
Good question, Crozer.
31. Do you like beer?
Yes, I could use a couple beers right now.
32. Have you made a prank phone call?
33. Are you sarcastic?
I can be.
34. Have you ever slapped someone?
Sorry Dan. And Mike, and Gibson and Jerry. Peanut Butta slap!
35. Do looks matter?
36. Do you use chapstick?
37. Are you too forgiving?
38. Do you own something from Hot Topic?
39. Do you own a gun?
40. Ever thought you were in love?
41. When was the last time you cried?
Can't remember
42. Olive Garden?
Haven't been.
43. Have you ever been in a castle?
44. Are you thinking about somebody right now?
Not in particular.
45. Do you like your hair?
Not at the moment, but I'm going to love it in about a week.
46. Does anyone have a crush on you?
Yeah meh.
47. Do you like yourself?
48. Are you closer to your mother or father?
49. Have you ever stripped?
hahahah a couple times?
50. Are you religious?
51. Do you chat on AIM often?
A lot more when I'm grounded.
52. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
53. Full house or Brady Bunch?
Brady Bunch.
54. Do you like your high school guidance counselor?
No fuck them. What do they get paid for?
55. Has anyone ever called you a tease?
A couple times.
56. Do you have any scars?
A bunchof little unexplainable ones.
57. Relationships or one night stands?
58. Big red or Juicy fruit?
Neither. They both suck.
59. Do you enjoy greasy food?
Not extra greasy. Actually I usually pat the grease off my pizzas.
60. Have you seen all the Rocky movies?
One in Shropps class.
61. Who was the last person that made you cry?
Doesn't matter.
62. Do you still talk to the person you LAST kissed?
63. Have you ever seen your best friends cry?
64. Do you like more than one person right now?
I like everybody ;]
65. Did you get any compliments today?
Haha well, I was told I looked like Ashlee Simpson, so you can take that however you want.
66. Where are you going on your next vacation?
Um, Senior week?
67. Are most of your friends guys or girls?
68. Do you own any furniture from Ikea?
All of my furniture is from ikea actually lol. Their chocolate is AWESOME.
69. What was the last thing you ate?
Spice cake.
70. If you could have one superpower what would it be?
I would be the guy who gains the powers of other superheros after begin around them, but I wouldn't want to explode...anyone watch heros?
71. Where have you lived most of your life?
Clifton Heights.
72. Why is the sky blue?
The sky isn't always blue.
73. When was the last time you took a long drive?
2nights ago.
74. What is your favorite smell?
I love the smell of chemicals.
75. Are you moody?
Right now, yeah.
76. What is your most favorite movie of all time?
I heart huckabees, Drop Dead Fred, The notebook, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
77. Have you ever done anything hurtful to a classmate?
78. Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?
Yeah fucking Mike haha.
79. Have you ever toilet papered someones house?
80. Have you ever had a crush on your sister's/brother's friend?
Gross. I'm not into the 11 year olds.
81. Have you ever gone to a beach?
Not to often.
82. Have you ever had a stalker?
Yeah creepos.
83. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Many-o-times. I'm pretty comfortable with my naked self.
84. Whats your favorite TV show?
Lost and Heros.
85. Have you ever gone to a party?
86. Do you believe in love?
87. Have you ever been betrayed by your best friend?
Yes. To many times.
88. Have you ever been out of your country?
89. Have you ever thrown up from working out?
Yeah once during volleyball.
90. Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat?
No but I cried so hard. and I couldn't go to fucking NFG cause the tickets were sold out. That was a bad day.
91. Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food in one day?
Gross. Nope.
92. Which of your family members has the worst temper?
All of em?
93. What's one item you never leave home without?
A bra?
94. Last restaurant you ate at?
uuuh Applebees? hhhahaa
95. Who was the last person who called you?
96. When was the last time you slept?
About 4 hours ago.
97. What are your plans for tonight?
98. What does the 4th text message on your phone say?
Don't have a phone.
99. Who usually sleeps in your bed other than you?
My brother sleeps in my bed whenever I'm not home.
100. What was the last song you listened to?
I poured myself the stiffest drink my stomach can stand.
I'm looking forward to a lot.
Senior Week
Should be good times.