"You feel like a little child again as you run down the hill towards the awaiting lake, he pushes you, you push him back, the he decides to race you, you agree but let him have a head start, because he's Kibum and he deserves it."
You sit there, sun absorbing into your skin.
It feels nice, your relaxed, composed yet unhappy.
You see him in the distance, laughing, joking, clueless.
Squinting your eyes, you watch mesmerized as he grabs a hand.
It's Jonghyuns hand, it should be your hand he's holding but it's not.
He skips over to you, glee covering his face, you wonder if it's a fake smile he's wearing, you wonder if just possibly, deep inside, he feels the same as you but he's just as scared to say anything as you.
Jonghyun walks indoors, exhaustion visible on his face, leaving you and Kibum alone.
You watch him as he fidgets and fusses over you, your too hot, he can tell, that is why he now has a cooling pack pressed firmly against your head, that is why he has concern plastered on his pretty face.
You hate it.
The whole motherly thing.
You despise it, but you don't tell him because you want him to smile, you want that face to stay bright, after all, it's the only thing keeping you sane, it's the only reason you wake up.
He leans forward, pressing his nose against your slightly sunburnt one, it hurts, stings like hell but you let him because, well because it's Kibum and he has no limitations.
He suggests you both go down to a lake to cool off and hesitantly you agree.
You feel like a little child again as you run down the hill towards the awaiting lake, he pushes you, you push him back, then he decides to race you, you agree but let him have a head start, because he's Kibum and he deserves it.
As you run down the hill giggling, he stops and waits for you, grabbing your hand as you rush past him, you don't slow down as you near the lake, instead Kibum pulls you faster and faster until you can't feel your feet, until you can't breathe.
You both tumble full force into the water, you can still hear Kibums laugh, muffled within the water, you feel hands grab your waist pulling you closer.
'I can swim, don't worry' you tell him, this doesn't stop him gripping you tighter, holding you close.
'This is better now, isn't it?' he smiles.
You have to agree, the heat was far too much for you but this, this was nice.
After a while of floating, splashing and too many unwanted mouthfuls of water, you both decide to get out.
Kibum insists on watching the sunset and although your sneakers squelch, your t-shirt clings to you and your hair itches, you accept his offer.
You both settle beside a tree, Kibum puts his head on your shoulder and your unsure about whether you should move over or rest your head on top of his, you settle for staying exactly how you were in the first place.
As the sunset draws in, you watch him, he watches you, your eyes are almost entwined, he bites his lip and you feel his hand on the side of your face.
It's nerve wracking, the way he moves his face closer to yours, scary the way his hand caresses your cheek, yet it's utterly amazing, you feel like the luckiest man in the world.
It's all awkward and rushed, the way he pecks you on the lips then turns away, you can't remember a time when Kibum was ever embarrassed, but this time, he was.
He's obviously waiting for your reaction but you feel numb, your face is frozen, lips still pouting, eyes still bulging, then you laugh.
You can't quite fathom what was so funny about that moment but when Kibum joined in with the laughter, you felt at ease.
The rest of the night was spent at the lake, gossiping, cuddling and kissing.
He tells you he's worried you wont be as close when you make your comeback, you remind him of fanservice.
You know that no one will ever be like you and Kibum because Kibum is too amazing and your possibly the most fortunate man in the world.
Yet again, I was lacking OnKey, and I pray there will be alot some fanservice (:
Please forgive the possible grammar and spelling errors, I will check them in the morning ♥
EDIT: I just heard the news about Park Yong Ha and I must say he will be missed very much, I don't really know him but I have heard of him, It was a tragic death, both Park Yong Ha and his family will most certainly be in my prayers ♥ <333