[Kiritsugu almost reaches for the Calico with that. Instinct. He composes himself.]
You assembled them. They'll listen to you.
I'll help you organize the plan, but this should wait until we're out of here.
[Which is to say, he's pretty sure he can't do that. Kiritsugu's a great planner, but he knows his leadership skills leave something to be desired. He doesn't have the sort of personality that can keep a group together.]
Not the best time to attract attention.
[Despite being currently working with him, in a way, Kiritsugu's still going to keep his distance.]
Still, it's not random townspeople he is trying to take his anger out on.]
I'm sick of this ☠☠☠☠, every ☠☠☠☠ time.
What are they going to do to me, drone me?
You're putting your entire operation at stake.
I'm not the brains I just punch things. See?
[Kicks a gate door and breaks it apart.]
You assembled them. They'll listen to you.
I'll help you organize the plan, but this should wait until we're out of here.
[Which is to say, he's pretty sure he can't do that. Kiritsugu's a great planner, but he knows his leadership skills leave something to be desired. He doesn't have the sort of personality that can keep a group together.]
Planning isn't going to bring Doc back.
It's about him and everyone this town keeps taking. One by one, we all get taken.
Meant your operation. We don't actually know what happens after droning. We have to leave before that.
☠☠☠☠, people have been here years.
You know why I'm trying to hurt these guys?
Though who knows who will even be around to remember by then.
[Okay, now he's crying.
Alcohol might be a factor with his moods.]
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