Title: Rainbow
Chapters: Drabble
heartsyuu Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Pairings/Characters: KaixRuki
Synopsis: "Kai, why is it sunny and rainy at the same time?"
Comments: For
peridotpetals with her favourite pairing! :D I hope you like it!
Staying indoors wasn't Ruki's idea of a day off. Sitting on the living room couch, he watched as the raindrops dotted the windows, as those raindrops started rolling downwards colliding with other ones, as they glistened and sparkled. He listened to the pitter-patter of the water droplets harshly hitting the ground of the city below them.
Not to mention the sun was freakin' shining as well.
It's not like Ruki hadn't seen this before, but really, it was unusual.
Maybe a bit too unusual.
"Ruki, you better drink your tea or else it'll get cold." Kai says while getting up from his own seat and putting his cup and saucer in the sink.
"Kai, why is it sunny and rainy at the same time?"
Kai turns around and meets Ruki's curious eyes.
"Because the sky sometimes does weird things."
"You're weird." Ruki sighs as he turns his focus back to the crazy weather. He notices that the rain had receded and only the sun is shining. Not only that, but there was an endless strip of color that marked the sky, glowing slightly more than the bright sun; the small fluffy white clouds that floated accompanied them.
"Ah, a rainbow!" Kai exclaims.
Ruki gets up, unlocks the transparent glass doors with a click, pushes them open with the low rumbling resounding from it, and walks barefoot out on the wet balcony. The water droplets on the door began to sparkle, as the process of evaporation began.
"It's pretty..." He mumbles to himself.
"Isn't it?" Kai says behind him.
"But in a few minutes, it'll fade away...right?" Ruki asks sadly.
"It will." Kai answers, then smiles widely. "But it's not like we're never going to see it ever again are we?"
Turning around, Ruki looks at Kai's smiling face and hugs him tightly.
Kai will always be his rainbow in his morning sky.
A/N: Kay guys, don't mind me, but I got a writers block RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING THIS! ;^; So I had to kinda...have an abrupt ending.
This actually happened a few days ago; this girl in my science class asked the teacher why it was raining and the sun was shining at the same time, and my science teacher's response was exactly the same as Kai's xD
Unfortunately there wasn't a rainbow ;^;
C n C as always <3