Title: Between Sand and Sea
Chapters: 3/?
heartsyuu Genre: AU, Fantasy
Warnings: None right now
Rating: G
Pairings/Characters: Aoi, Uruha, Ruki, Reita, Hotaru(OC), Kai/Kanon Wakeshima (side)
Disclaimer: Gotta catch 'em a-- *shot* No I don't own them, sorry
Synopsis: "That's the thing, Kai. I'm a merman, a gay merman."
Comments: I'm back with another fic
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Comments 9
Uru would make a cute merman. Although I'm sort of confused as to what their tails are supposed to look like...two seaweeds grown by each other? O_O That seems hard to swim with...
Erm, when I was trying to describe the tails, I was mostly describing the very ends of the tail using things from the ocean (because this chapter is written in Uruha's point of view, and he doesn't really know things about land and stuff) like...like.
Here's a diagram you can refer to. The one that's described as "Two seaweeds grown by each other" is supposed to look like B. The one that's supposed to be the crescent moon is sort of like A. :D And Kai's tail is from my imagination. I hope that helps~
Thanks for reading and commenting! ^___^
I'm so happy that Kai is happy since he deserves to be happy because he can make others so happy with his smile. Wow so much happiness in one sentence!
I can't wait for Aoi seeing Uruha~~ And it's so cute when the fish try to wake him up. I'd love to experience something like that myself!
Yes, yes, I made Kai uber happy because, well, intentionally it was in celebration that I got my braces off and now my teeth are free from that evil thing :D But Kai's smile is awesome too~ ^___^
Thanks for reading and commenting! :D
Kai seems like the sweet and caring type, which I absolutely love. I can't wait until Aoi and Uruha meet again! :DDD
Keep up the good work, ne! <3
And I'm working ;___; I'm having so much trouble with the next chapter but hopefully I won't kill myself over it.
Thanks for reading!!
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Yes it says they were friends when they were young, but I wanted to show the whole 'teenage love' between Kai and Kanon *snort* yeah I know. (I still think that being a teenager is young! D: )
And I think you mean...MERMAN. keke. Yeah I really need to proof read before I post >_>
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Everything's really sudden about them because they're not main characters so. Yeah. The scene is important.
...Chapter 4 D:
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