How many Zionists does it take to replace a lightbulb? -Four, one to stay home and comvince someone else to do it, a second to donate the bulb, a third to screw it in, and a fourth to proclaim that the entire jewish people stand behind their actions.
well i still dotnm like lj too much. its to complicated for me
im writing bc im trying to forget t hat i have to go get dressed n do my genocide prj with someone i dont like to much. but its not jus the not liking its also the a.d.d.ness
my name is dana and i have blonde hair i got big bras and wear polka dotted underwear and when i run all teh guys like to stare but thats okay because they're not gay it sucks to b e you it sucks to b e you cuz my chai is obsessed with usy it sucks to be you
written by jackie to the tune of "it sucks to be me" from ave. Q