I feel good about the holidays. I can't wait to get our Christmas Tree. I can't wait to find out who my Secret Santa is. I can't wait to send out my cards. I can't wait to wrap gifts. I can't wait for the celebrations!
There were two antennas, a woman and a man antenna. They fell in love and decided to get married. The ceremony was terrible. but the reception was perfect.
I'm taking a 15. I have a 10 page paper due tomorrow. I can do it. I just went to the YRL Special Stacks. I read a 75 page book in about 2 hours. I had to keep it on this styrofoam book holders and wasn't allowed to lift the book. I had to keep the pages down using a special weight.
Tiffany practicing French in the car Chris sleeping on the table Jesus said something nice online Private school kids on tour at UCLA, so cyoot. I'm reading, and my tattoo's itchy.