so last night.. i got really bad.. yet again.. and stayed home today. but i really feel like im getting better.. so let's see how long it lasts for? .. lol .. and thats about it..
1) First thing that comes to mind when you think of me sweet 2) The color that most defines my personality and why all different colors for ur many moods lol 3) Best feature eyes / hair 4) Best quality ur sucha sweetie!! 5) Favorite thing about me everything! 6) Do you love me? yess!! FOREVER AND EVER 7) If you could give me ANYTHiNG what would it be? anything u wanted 8) Scale of 1-10 how well do u know me 7 /8 ? 9) What do you think my biggest weakness is? ALL THAT DRAMA!! 10) Something you think i will NEVER in a million years do. hmm be mad at me :) .. i hope!
1) trip nd fall lmao 2) BRiGHT pink cus its pretty and LiVELY like you :) nd i like that color! 3) EVERYTHiNG! ..youre so pretty too :) GOSH i HATE YOU! lol jk i love you 4) personality :) 5) youre so funny nd we've got so much in common!! 6) CHYAAAAAA! ALWAYS ND FOREVER! 7) whatever you wanted :) aspecially a way to get to barron!! 8) 10+++++++++++++++ 9) guys :/ 10) STOP BEiNG MY FRiEND :)
i MiSS YOU!!!!!xo_peachez_oxFebruary 12 2005, 00:42:56 UTC
1) First thing that comes to mind when you think of me.. 12 STEP! and our many priceless moments ;] 2) The color that most defines my personality and why.. hmm YELLOW! cuz of that pretty yellow sweater thing you have and i adore! :] 3) Best feature.. YOUR ALL AROUND GORGEOUS :] 4) Best quality.. your niceness.. seriously! 5) Favorite thing about me. personality. 6) Do you love me? oh but of course 7) If you could give me ANYTHiNG what would it be? hmm well.. lol LEE of course 8) Scale of 1-10 how well do u know me. id like to think 9.. 9 1/2? 9) What do you think my biggest weakness is? oh uhm.. im not sure. 10) Something you think i will NEVER in a million years do. BACKSTAB ME AGAiN :] hah.. but at the beginning we werent as close! so yeh.. i heart you valerie! bffl! and i am TOTALLY FLATTERED that people are taking this survey :] YES GUYS i CREATED iT! WOOT WOOT! SNAPS FOR MEEE!!!!!!! <3333
1) First thing that comes to mind when you think of me: cute & girly & aim?? lol 2) The color that most defines my personality and why: pink because thats your font color on aim & you seem girly lol 3) Best feature: i havent really ever seen you in real life soo lol i dont knwo but im sure your absolutly gorgeous! 4) Best quality: def. your personality 5) Favorite thing about me: your sooooo sweet! 6) Do you love me?: 0F C0RSE! 7) If you could give me ANYTHiNG what would it be?: a BiG HUGE HUG! lol 8) Scale of 1-10 how well do u know me: like a 1.5 :/ 9) What do you think my biggest weakness is?: im not sure :/ 10) Something you think i will NEVER in a million years do.: hmmm .... stop being your gorgeous self ;D
Comments 7
2) The color that most defines my personality and why
all different colors for ur many moods lol
3) Best feature
eyes / hair
4) Best quality
ur sucha sweetie!!
5) Favorite thing about me
6) Do you love me?
7) If you could give me ANYTHiNG what would it be?
anything u wanted
8) Scale of 1-10 how well do u know me
7 /8 ?
9) What do you think my biggest weakness is?
10) Something you think i will NEVER in a million years do.
hmm be mad at me :) .. i hope!
<3333333333 i love youu!! BFFEAEAEAEAEAE
2) BRiGHT pink cus its pretty and LiVELY like you :) nd i like that color!
3) EVERYTHiNG! ..youre so pretty too :) GOSH i HATE YOU! lol jk i love you
4) personality :)
5) youre so funny nd we've got so much in common!!
7) whatever you wanted :) aspecially a way to get to barron!!
8) 10+++++++++++++++
9) guys :/
i love you val!! we must see each other asap!!
2) The color that most defines my personality and why.. hmm YELLOW! cuz of that pretty yellow sweater thing you have and i adore! :]
3) Best feature.. YOUR ALL AROUND GORGEOUS :]
4) Best quality.. your niceness.. seriously!
5) Favorite thing about me. personality.
6) Do you love me? oh but of course
7) If you could give me ANYTHiNG what would it be? hmm well.. lol LEE of course
8) Scale of 1-10 how well do u know me. id like to think 9.. 9 1/2?
9) What do you think my biggest weakness is? oh uhm.. im not sure.
10) Something you think i will NEVER in a million years do. BACKSTAB ME AGAiN :] hah.. but at the beginning we werent as close! so yeh.. i heart you valerie! bffl! and i am TOTALLY FLATTERED that people are taking this survey :] YES GUYS i CREATED iT! WOOT WOOT! SNAPS FOR MEEE!!!!!!! <3333
(The comment has been removed)
2) The color that most defines my personality and why: pink because thats your font color on aim & you seem girly lol
3) Best feature: i havent really ever seen you in real life soo lol i dont knwo but im sure your absolutly gorgeous!
4) Best quality: def. your personality
5) Favorite thing about me: your sooooo sweet!
6) Do you love me?: 0F C0RSE!
7) If you could give me ANYTHiNG what would it be?: a BiG HUGE HUG! lol
8) Scale of 1-10 how well do u know me: like a 1.5 :/
9) What do you think my biggest weakness is?: im not sure :/
10) Something you think i will NEVER in a million years do.: hmmm .... stop being your gorgeous self ;D
we need to start talking more!!
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