For all of you who have ever wondered what's wrong with my leg or the way I walk this.

May 29, 2005 02:30

In 1999 (when I was in 4th grade) my sister and I got in an accident..We were riding on the back of a trailer and Jen fell off and then I either jumped off or fell off (amnesia I think). The back of my leg got caught on the fender so it got ripped open. At the hospital they couldn't sew it back on so they just cut it off..soooo basically I had no skin covering my calf muscle for a while. Then I had a skin graft where they took some skin from my thigh and transported it down to my leg..I think they put the skin on a little too tight so thats why I can't straighten my leg out all the way and why I walk on my tippy toes. Well that's a long story short. =/

You Are Medium Maintenance

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But you aren't the most laid back chick either

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