[This is the entry that all of us hope to never have to write, or even read for that matter. A part of me was half hoping to wake up to this being perhaps the most God awful promotional stunt in history, the other part trying to wrap my head around the fact that not even Hollywood could be that callous. I think his family summed it up best when they used the words untimely and tragic.
As well as we all know and subject each other to reminders of, this is a game. But, I think any of us would be lying if we didn't admit to investing parts of our own hearts and souls into our roles. It would also be safe to say that to the extent in which we push ourselves into someone else's head and heart in attempts to escape ourselves and flow through out through them, that it's difficult not to have their lives affect ours. There were times when I questioned whether this one was getting too dark for me, and now I only find that incredibly disconcerting and more than a little haunting. It was the poesy and grace about him that always moved me to write him. While the best I ever got was the pleasure of attempting to mimic and mould that, it was that subtle beauty that always got to me. I think just about anyone could play a part in a film, ever a great one, but I think it's a rare person that can inspire you to think or change, or even want to. He was stoic and quiet most of the time, but when he spoke, it warranted listening to, repeating back, believing in. And that was only through glimpses of the eloquence in him that he let us see, I can only imagine the depths he reached and the lives he touched with anyone that he held close or even near. It's what I'm reserving my thoughts to when I hear his name. And I can only hope that even if it's just a little, that it's something he's remembered for.
May he rest in peace.]