Sep 14, 2009 14:38

Name: Mel/Melly
Age/Birthdate (year included): 10/11/1985
Email: na_kabaji (at) yahoo (dot) com
AIM: Eva00Rei11
Journal: na_kabaji_usu

Character Information:

Name: Kirihara Akaya
Age: 18, going on 19
Occupation(s):high school student (senior), pickpocket/kleptomaniac

Personality: If you can imagine a Kirihara without tennis as an outlet for his passion and his energy, then you’d have this Kirihara. Without a healthy place to channel his aggression, he’s turned out to be quite a destructive child.

History: (see above)
Kirihara grew up in a normal suburban family; a mom, a dad, an older sister, and a cat. His father was a boring, middle-aged salary man who worked in an office all day. He never really spent time with Akaya, always too tired to bother with his son when he was home. His mother wasn’t much better. She spent the day taking care of the house and ignoring the attention starved boy that she never really wanted in the first place. Because his mother hated him, he would act out, trying to get any attention he could. Even her screaming at him was better than nothing because at least then she was looking at him.

Throughout his school years he’d been suspended quite a number of times for fighting and defacing school and other students’ property. His attitude needed adjusting and his dedication to learning needed improvement. Needless to say, Kirihara was only in school because he had to be.

Now in his last year of high school, he hardly bothers going to classes, his grades are only barely passing, and he couldn’t care less. He spends any free time hanging around Shibuya, playing in the arcades, loitering until he gets kicked out. He has a bad habit of stealing as well. He’ll pick money off of strangers, other kids his age, careless people on the trains during rush hour. His parents don’t give him money and he doesn’t feel like getting a job, so he just takes what he wants. Occasionally he’ll steal from stores; just candy bars, small items that can easily fit into his pockets. The thrill of getting away with it is enough to keep him entertained. That chance of getting caught is give him a great rush of excitement. One day, he’ll rob a bank. Or so he dreams.

1st Person Sample:
That little shit deserved it; the punch right in the gut I gave him’ll teach him to keep his mouth shut and not tattle to the teachers like some 3rd grader. I took his homework essay. So what? He can’t prove it was me. Who cares, school sucks. I’m gunna skip tomorrow. The arcade’s getting the new Tekken game machine in, that’s a million times better than English class.

3rd Person Sample:
Bright blinking lights, cheerfully annoying melodies tinkling through the air; this was the place where Kirihara loved to be the most. With kids running around, laughing, playing, the arcade was a hot spot for teen activity. Cute girls with their skirts rolled up short and their socks glued artfully in place to look as casually messy and rumpled as possible, boys with dyed hair punching each other in the shoulders, slinging arms around their girls, begging each other for one more round of Street Fighter, they swear they can win this time; Kirihara took a moment to watch from his corner of the arcade. His street race already over but no one was waiting to use the game so he leaned back in the car seat, his school jacket unbuttoned to reveal a bright, flashy t-shirt with a foul American phrase splashed across the front; hell if he knew what it actually said- he just liked the way it looked.

“Anyone sitting here?” Kirihara looked up to a faceful of breasts straining against a sailor collared blouse. He face wasn’t great - skin oranged with fake tanner, light makeup caked around her eyes- but her chest more than made up for it.
“Nope, go ahead.” He looked over at that rack again, ignoring her giggles, “Wanna race?”
He loved nights like this.


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