The Tidball Legacy- 1.1

Jun 27, 2011 22:41

This update was in the making for about 4 days now...LJ apparently didn't save my draft, it did the first time I ex'd out, though...whatevs. Anywho, this is really just a post of...birthdays for some reason. I don't understand why on earth it's like that, but it is. Gen 2 is honestly not far behind xD Oops. But when that comes around, the updates will be better. I SWEAR. Kay, onward we go!

Last time: The not-so-humble beginning of Alfie Tidball, who married Logan and popped out two kiddos, Finch and Wren.

Well, I told you it was a bunch of freaking birthdays. It's how we do things 'round here.

Did you expect anything less?<33 He now has the Perfectionist trait, making him a Genius, Clumsy, and a Perfectionist.
Also, he decided he wants to be a World-renown Surgeon.

I had assumed Finch's imaginary friend never came alive (yay!), I suppose we can have one or maybe two boppin' around.

Alfie loves Sable, it really is adorable.

Finch continues to win my heart, and possibly the hearts of the world?!


Alfie is preggo yet again, and enjoys talking to her child about adult things. Like nuclear waste.
Finch: HOW INTERESTING, MOM. *does not care*

Yeah. Well honestly, I had my toddler setting on 5 days, thinking I would like it...but I actually hate it. Back to 7!

Oh Sable, you are quite adorable. She has the Easily Impressed trait, making her Brave, Excitable, and Easily Impressed.

While cleaning up the kitchen, Alfie decides she should go into labor.

Logan is making his first appearance of the update on the computer. So far, quite a few of his life changing moments were spent on the computer.

Finch: Can she just stop screaming for like, two secs?

Welcome, Wren! I forget all of her traits, I'm a terrible person. She's winking at everyone, just turning on the charm.

I do not understand the strange eye colorings in this family, but yesss blonde hair<3

I feel I will regret this.

Okay, how does she even know what a computer IS? Oh yeah, her name is Peaches.

Peaches: How is the bread and jam, best friend?
Sable: *cough* Is it poisoned?

Alfie: And then, the big giant snail ATE ALL THE KIDS!
Finch: That isn't very probable, mom. I've squished snails before.

Oh you know, just another birthday. looking sim I have EVER had. Ever, in my whole life. He got the Ambitious trait.
He is now: Genius, Clumsy, Perfectionist, and Ambitious.

Peaches: Are you sure you're doing that right?
Sable: Duh, I watch mom all the time.
Peaches: But she always blows up...

Peaches: I told you so.
Peaches, you are the shittiest imaginary friend ever.

A lot has gone on in this picture. The dishwasher caught on fire (yes, the dishwasher), and I failed to mention Alfie is pregnant again...while the fire was burning, she went into labor.

Peaches actually isn't so bad, she cleans.

A boy! Just what I've always wanted! His name is Oscar. He has the Virtuoso and Brave traits.

Oscar, you are too cute.


I have given Finch the duties of socializing the toddlers. But soon there would only be one becauseeee....

Yes, birthdays. Two of them. Wren and Sable.

Wren is still cute, like every brother and sister she has. She got the Good Sense of Humor trait.
I still forget the other two. ><

Woahhhh. I loves her<3 She got the Party Animal trait.
So she is Brave, Excitable, Easily Impressed, and a Party Animal.

Teen party?! Yes.
Sable: I have an imaginary friend named Peaches, what's your imaginary friend's name?!

Coral: I snuck out for THIS?

Yo, idk who this girl is, but she can come over any time.

Sable: Can you BELIEVE her? She's so rude! I'm gonna snub her all night.
Girl: Not cool, not cool.


Sable: How does it feel to not be pretty? HUH?
Peaches: *picks nose*

This is the last image I have of the teen party because the house kept glitching, so I had to move them.
It's a nice way to end it, though, no?

This was the very first thing that happened, because Wren had bad grades.

Alfie: You're my favorite kid, Oscar, you don't talk back yet!

Finch wanted to go over this kid's house after school, which I'm more than okay with, because this is Sable's future boyfriend. His name is Keegan.
Keegan: Yo, let's set all the science lab frogs loose!

Finch: But we need those tomorrow! We have to dissect them in AP Anatomy!

Keegan: Kay man, but that's totally how I got ALL the chicks at my last school.

Finch: Women chicks?

Logan works on his speech...
Logan: So I plan to fill the pot holes, that way, when the new ones form, we can dilly dally for a while, and....ohh, that's not right, is it..?
No, Logan. No. There is no messing with those pot holes.

Sable: Ugh, why is this homework so, like, HARD?

Peaches: Your dad is a horrible politician.
Sable: And you're creepy...

Sable: You can leave me alone now.

Wren: Lady Sable is talking to herself..? That just won't do...


Finch: Keegan, my parents are gone and I need to throw a totally awesome party. Invite everyone.
Yes, I got another chance at chaos. Love it!

Finch: Yeah, invite that cute girl from health class....No, I won't teach her what I know...What? That's disgusting.

Obv, Sable is beyond thrilled.

Oh, so this is the cute girl from health class? 
Her name is Aviannah, but we'll just call her Avi.

Keegan: Check it out, hot stuff, I can play with my eyes closed.
Sable: Omg I'm in love.

Sable: Oh man, I'm gettin' sleepy.....
Keegan: Oh shit oh shit...

Keegan: Oh, heh..

Sable, you are too young for that!

Everyone left at like 5am, nobody called the cops, the only one who had a good time was Keegan (wonder why?), and when everyone left, Finch slept on the floor. Didn't pass out..he fell asleep.


Uhhh yeah, first time ever having the cake set on fire. What a bitch!

Sable: Shit, mom and dad are NEVER gonna leave us home again!!

Try #2 was a success, and I am pleased :] Anyway, he got the Daredevil trait.
So that makes him Brave, Virtuoso, and Daredevil.

I leave you with this, this was the next day :D

Next time: Proms! And everyone except one person has a birthday. Utter...chaos. It's also very, very short.
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