Another update so soooonnnn because I'm half way through the next installment and I don't want to get too far ahead in my game. That bothers me. However, it also bothers me to do updates too close together, but whatcha gonna do. ANYWHO. Enjoy, enjoy!
There's a lot of drama, but everyone loves drama :] You guys voted for a sleazy got one xD
Last time: Wren was voted heir, and what a pleasant time we had...She met many suitors and enjoyed company in all, resulting in a baby boy named Sydney and a terrible conscience. Alfie became very judgmental of her daughter and grew into an elder, and that's about it I think.
(No more titles because I'm beyond terrible at coming up with them)
Wren: Hey, Seth? Wanna meet me at the park? There's something I need to tell you...
(Is that EVER good? I'll be surprised if he shows up.)
Sydney <3 <3
Wren: What if he doesn't show...?
Wren: Uuh, I invited you to the're not here..?
Phone Seth: Oh, I must have forgot...I'll meet you back at your house.
Wren: Um, okay..
BAM! Called it.
Wren: So first off, I bought you some flowers...
Wren: Look, I'm sorry Syd isn't yours, but we weren't even together, so it's not important...he needs a good dad, and Mackenzie just...can't be a good one. YOU can.
Seth: Don't wanna hear it. You shouldn't have banged him, then. Twice. The second time was more important to me.
Wren: How'd you...know about the second?
Seth: There are paparazzi looking in your windows right now, Wren. How WOULDN'T I know?
Wren: Shit, I messed up.
Wren: Then fine, we're over. Is that what you want?
Wren: I don't need you.
Sidenote, Alfie looks bangin' with her new cane. Probably a bad idea...she harasses EVERYONEE.
I sent Wren to the park for some air after that, I mean, she was obsessed with the guy.
And she ran into a friend...I think her name is Patti.
Wren: Well, I've been good, but my boyfriend just found out I've been cheating, so it's been a rough couple of hours, so we broke up.
I see Mae (who I set up for Oscar...) flirting with this guy...come to find out, they're dating. But Mae is too pretty for him D:
Wren runs into this fellow, who's name is Devin.
Wren: I was a cheater, but I'm trying to change since I lost the love of my life...
Devin: Man, that's rough...but I know how you feel...misery loves company, wanna be friends?
(Don't you wish it was easy as talking to someone for like 2 hours and being best friends?)
Zooming back to the house...look who showed up! wtf. Wren got home just in time...
Wren: Pat, you need to leave me alone. We haven't talked in years, obviously this baby cookin' isn't yours, and neither is my first born. I've been with other men, you know this.
Pat: What do you mean they aren't mine! We slept together!
Wren: But the times don't add up, and we've only done know? God, how were babies spawned in the imaginary world?
Wren: Let's just be friends.
Pat: Uuuh
Pat: Can you believe your daughter? She's such a skeeze.
Alfie: How dare you talk about my daughter that way. Only I can talk about her because she shredded my lady parts after 17 hours of labor.
Wren: You're the only man I need.
Wren: Something feels abnormally familiar.
Logan: SHIT, Alfie, get in here! What do we do?!?
After everyone calmed down, Wren popped out a baby girl named
Raleigh. I'm aware it isn't a well known city, but I've always loved that name...and it's technically a city, so. Her traits are Genius and Excitable. The only sim in this house that is not excitable is Alfie.
Logan shares a birthday with his granddaughter.
Awww Logan <3
Wren: Hi, Devin? It's Wren...from the park. Did you want to come over? My daughter is having a birthday!
BLACK HAIR AND...AND...GREEN EYES. Confession...she was born with Logan's green eyes, but I wanted Mackenzie' I fixed it...and got it almost right but not really.
Devin: Thanks so much for inviting me over, I'm having a great time!
This...was the gossip...I would hope you'd know if the mom and baby were okay, Wren...considering it's you and Raleigh. Stupid EA.
Wren: If you want, you can move in...It's always nice to have extra help around here.
He agreed, and so, the Tidball household got a new member.
Now get yoself a job! You can't be mooching off Logan's income like everyone else.
He joined the culinary career.
I'm so IN LOOOVVVEE. Seriously, can the Tidball offspring get any cuter?
Syd's birthday :]
Does anyone else find that muscle shirt hilarious?! I kept it as his PJs. Sydney got the Eccentric trait.
This sink has been broken for a while apparently...the flood is now in the hallway...
Of course, Wren...of course.
Syd is appalled and choked on some cake.
It wasn't long before she was rolling as many wants for Devin as she did for Seth.
Logan's office had a halloween party and he chose to dress as
Beetlejuice. Just kidding, it's his new uniform.
Wren: Soo do you want to make ourselves official?
Devin: Of course I do.
<3 excitable sims
Logan: Excellent choice of a subject.
(He looks like a flower...i did it on purpose...shhhh)
Devin: Let's have some fun.
Wren: You mean it?
Do you love her as much as I do?!
Devin and the kids really like each other, I'm psyched!
Raleigh: Is this my daaaad?
Soon he will be...soon
I LOVE submarine adventure. It's just so adorable!!
Fucking shit, are you serious?
Devin: You were with Mackenzie yesterday, the paparazzi saw you!!
Wren: I ran into him at the bookstore and I was telling him about his kids, what do you want from me?!
Devin: I am not an idiot, Wren.
(Truth, she did see him at the bookstore and flirted with him BY HERSELF. I did nothing to provoke it. I swear!)
I will leave you there!
Next time: Birthdays! Fabulous, fabulous birthdays! And what will happen with Wren and Devin?