So I'm going on a mini vacation on Thursday (wooo Cape Cod!), and since I'm almost done with the next update, I figure today would be a good day to post this one...the next couple days I'll be running around like a madwoman so..ANYWAY. I have nothing more to say, except enjoy :]
Last time: Wren had a couple issues with men (surprise...), she had a baby girl named Raleigh, Sydney grew into a child, and Logan got old.
Last time, I believe I left you all with a very pissed off Devin.
Alfie: Well, that's just Wren. Whorin' up the neighborhood.
Devin and Alfie have a heart to heart...well...a heart to something.
Devin: I heard about your daughter being with Mackenzie again! She's such a slut.
Alfie: You men never understand, do you...
Alfie: Wren doesn't posses the brain power that will make her faithful to one man. You knew this going in, so I don't see why you're so damn upset. So she was seen talking to the father of her kids, big deal. To be honest, I'd rather HIM be living here than you. For the children, of course.
(Oh, hey Raleigh<3)
Devin: You're wrong.
Alfie: Fine then, don't listen. See what happens.
Alfie: That boyfriend of yours was in here bitching about you, talking smack. You need to do something about him or I will. I'm tired of his crap.
Is that a good way to be talking in front of a toddler, ALFIE?
Alfie: He didn't call you very nice words.
Wren: Well, I know what I need to do.
She rolled the want to break up with Devin. Dammit. WHY CAN'T YOU RESIST OTHER MEN?!
Wren: You talked bad about me to my mother! MY MOTHER! It's over, Dev.
Wren: I mean...who DOES that? Talks bad about people to their mothers.
Devin: You win some, you lose some.
And with that...he was kicked out. Because he started causing problems after that. Maaannn, I really liked him. He might be back way later on.
Alfie: Good riddance. Never liked him, anyway.
Just because I love her so much<3 She makes the best grump face ever.
Mother/son bonding time :]
Wren: He'll never know his dad...poor kid.
Ohhh it's a birthdayyy.
She got the Family-Oriented trait. Her nose is a little strange, but I'm sure she'll grow into it. ;]
And now...some Raleigh spam.
Raleigh: My fine people of Barnacle Bay, lend me your ears!
Raleigh: Heyyy no pictures!
Raleigh: Mannn, this castle would be so much cooler if it were real.
I had Wren join the writing career, because someone else needs to make money in this house besides Logan. He IS old, after all.
Logan: So, this is how the kids are drinkin' it these days, yes?
Logan: Good God, that tastes AWFUL!
Sydney: See all these badges? I've earned them ALL.
Sydney: This one I got just yesterday.
Raleigh: Wow that's awesome! How can I get a badge?
Sydney: It's BOY scouts, Raleigh. You can't get a badge.
Sydney told this secret. SO GOOD.
Wren is ALWAYS in this hot tub.
Wooo birthdays
Sydney: I blew out my candles!
Sydney: Is this punishment for not having a dad?!
You, my friend, need a makeover.
<3333333 How many more threes do I need to profess my love for him?
He got the shy trait.
Logan: Aww, my granddaughter is just the cutest!
Raleigh: NO GRANDPA, NO!
Raleigh: How embarrassing!
Finch's son! He's adorable! Minus the hair and eyebrows.
Sydney: Hey, Uncle Finch!
Finch: Do I KNOW you?
he's your nephew, your family...
That is one determined repair woman.
Alfie: These are just the pictures that came with the wallet, I like to pretend they're my real family.
Repair lady: This woman is NUTS.
Sydney's talking to a girl named Delia from school :D
Juuust cuz it's cute.
That computer does not look fixed.
Lots of spam in this update. But this picture is beyond adorable.
Oh, Delia, you decided to come over.
And you're going to prom with Syd?!
I do love this interaction.
Raleigh: Grandma, I'm SOO good at this now!
Raleigh: Am I going to be preeetttyyyyy?
YUP. She got the kleptomaniac trait.
Prom night! I'm sad that Raleigh won't get a good prom...but I couldn't wait to age her up.
Judging by this picture, you would have a horrible representation of how the night went. Seriously, this is what both of them did as soon as they walked in the door. Events? *deep breath*
Delia learned that Sydney had never kissed anyone, so Syd had the spotlight put right on them and Delia kissed him. Raleigh's crush denied her of a dance and made fun of her in front of everyone. While Sydney was 'getting his dance on', Delia asked him to go steady. Raleigh saw Ethan on the dance floor...Who? (Twice, mind you). Sydney impressed Delia with the classy chicken dance. Raleigh took her anger out on some nerd, they fought back and embarrassed her in front of the whole school. Sydney and Delia were POSSIBLY the cutest couple at the dance (they were not, apparently). Raleigh was...prom...queen...What? Raleigh was caught looking at some else's date, and a fight broke out on the dance floor.
Sydney's prom picture...Raleigh's isn't even worth showing because the angle is off.
I think empty fish bowls in the house are lame, so Wren goes fishing :]
Raleigh is doing well in potions class.
And Wren has a birthday!
She aged SO well- sometimes I can't even see her wrinkles.
I gave the kitchen a little makeover because I wanted the Tidballs to have a laundry room, and the kitchen was poorly done anyway.
Wren: Good lord, the wrinkles are everywhere!!
See how pretty she is?!
He set a trap...on his own computer...his bedroom door is locked, so no one would even be able to use it!
I will leave you with my favorite romantic interaction. :D
Next time: A teen party, China, and...*sniffle*
If you want to download a Tidball, all of the gen 2 kids are up! You can find them