so my mommy and i may be getting tattoos together. haha. she's actually getting hers fixed and/or covered up. itll be cute. i babysat all day today. that was delightful. now im waiting for john to call so we can go to 5 points and discuss all the things we missed. i miss my best friend. one of them anyway. come onnnnn john.
I love: -colonial -friends -food -chain smoking -kissing straight gay inebriated men -being loud and obnoxious -being a dirty hippie -horrible brakes on certain red cars -more chain smoking -being ridiculous -life in general, at the moment
work tomorrow 4-8 again. sigh. back to reality. FUCK THAT
this is me hating english class and life overall. Work 3-7 or 3-8 tonight. working with michael, should be pretty interesting. Finally i get a day off tomorrow. its about time.