SPN Episode reaction 10x18

Apr 17, 2015 01:28

10x18 - Book of the Damned
(Be warned - several Dean pics coming up... couldn't choose just 1 or 2)

I had absolutely no idea what this episode was about or what it would involve, so I had no expectations whatsoever for it before I watched. But I have to say that this episode and the previous one have been vast improvements over several of the other episodes in the last couple of seasons.

This episode was well-paced,  like last week all the separate storylines felt relevant and wove together well, and we got some cool scenes, especially the ones involving Dean.


  • Jensen/Dean was looking very good this week - and very young… almost S1 Dean-like in places!
  • Dean in the hoodie
  • The boys being (mostly) honest with each other
  • Sam killed the bad guy rather than being knocked out yet again
  • It was another Charlie episode that had her being useful and relevant, and not just a geek trope
  • Charlie kicking some ass
  • The guest star (Stein) was a good actor and brought a lot to the episode (unlike a lot of episodes lately)
  • Still not a fan of Metatron but his scenes were once again interesting and not to OTT
  • Cas getting his grace back was pretty cool
  • The music was good this episode
  • I liked that we finally have a tie between the Mark of Cain and Rowena… finally made her seem like she was worthwhile in the show
  • Sam and Charlie’s conversation about hunting and family (though see my point regarding Sam’s side below)

Not So Much

  • It was pretty obvious that Sam wasn’t going to burn the book and let the one chance to cure Dean go, so the whole build up to that reveal felt a bit overdone and pointless.
  • Not really an issue with this episode, but I’m just kind of annoyed that it’s taken this long to get here with the characters… the previous scenes between Rowena and Crowley seem so boring in comparison
  • Not really getting Sam’s speech about being ready to die with the trials and then not wanting to go on without his brother… that’s like a complete 180 from the end of S8 and most of S9.
  • The magic compass thing that could track the book seemed a little too similar to the vampire-detecting compass in season 1 of The Vampire Diaries.

supernatural, episode reaction, season 10

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