Title: Diary (drabble)
Author: heavenlove
Rating: pg13
Pairing: onesided!onkey
Disclaimer: story is mineee! dont steal or i will cry! D=
Summary: It just isn't the same anymore.
Dear Diary,
It hurts. Really. I don’t know why I still love you. Even though you did so many things to hurt me. Yet I am still waiting for the day you will take the initiative to talk to me. Why can’t you be the one in love with me instead? Why can’t you feel how I feel? Why can’t you love me the way I love you? I hate how you always make me smile in every text you send me. I hate how I can never ever get angry with you no matter what you say. I guess I am just too softhearted when I face you. I hate how I get so excited whenever I hear your name. I hate how I always get worried when you don’t reply my messages. Probably, you just cannot be bothered to. I hate how you always make me jealous when you are talking to other girls. I hate how I can never ignore you no matter what. I hate it when I tell myself that I am over you, you talk to me and all the feelings come back. I hate how you only talk to me when you need me. I hate it when I try to convince myself I don’t like you, it never works. You don’t know how much not talking to you kills me. You don’t know how much I just want to text you. Even though all your replies are cold. You don’t know how much I am trying to resist to even type a ‘hi’ to you. Stop making me fall deeper in love with you. I am so lost without you, I can’t even get up now. My 3rd day ignoring you, and I am still counting.