Title: Who’s to Say
Author: Heavenreturned on LJ, Andromedarayne on FF.net
Disclaimer: I do not own them, if I did Rhys would have realized what a cheating liar Gwen is and left her for some hot bloke he met in the bar. In addition, Ianto would somehow be a time lord and spent the rest of existence with Jack. And wow, that is a long disclaimer.
Pairing: Janto of course
Author’s Notes: My muse has died for my story Normal is not Normal, so to get my creativeness flowing I’ve decided to write some short one-shot blurbs.
This is major Fluff with a side of bitter sweetness.
He sighed as he gently stroked the soft cheek. The other man pressed so tightly against his body there was not even a centimeter of wriggle room. How had he not seen the signs, it should have been blaringly obvious. What kind of friend, hell what kind of Lover was he to not see the self-imposed cut off from human touch was killing the younger man?
Wrapping his arm around Ianto, he slowly stroked down his spine, feeling in places how thin the other was. He thought back to all the times he had seen Gwen try to hug Ianto, try to include him. There had always been a fumbling before Ianto returned the touches of affection. Almost like, he didn’t know what to do with such a touch. How had he failed his Ianto so badly?
Even with him, there had been times his lover had seemed so unsure of himself. Did he truly believe he didn’t deserve to be handled with care? Or rather, was it that the young man didn’t want to get close so he didn’t have to hurt anymore? Both of those were something that he himself understood all too well.
He let his hand drift into Ianto’s hair, and caressed the soft silky strands. He decided he would worship Ianto’s body, he would shower him with affection and he would not let the young man cut himself off from the human race. If that meant never sleeping again so that he could do it when his affections weren’t rebuffed he would.
That is what you do when you care about someone wasn’t it? And if caring and keeping someone you care about from falling into their own darkness, was love.
Then who was to say that he, Jack Harkness, didn’t love Ianto Jones?
With a self-satisfied smile, he pressed a kiss to the young man’s nose and then rested his head on top of Ianto’s. His hands continuing their gentle caressing and soft exploration.
Who’s to say it wasn’t love?