Title: Dream a Little Dream Pairing: Dean/Gabriel Rating: PG? Author: Heavenreturned on lj Andromedarayne on dA Notes: Ummmm it was supposed to be fluff but didn’t really work out that way. Thanks to
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So after typing a little while ago that I can't read and write fic simultaneously, this story appears on my friends list and what do I do? I read it, of course! Hahaha!
I love the whole idea of Gabriel joining Team Free Will. In my head, that's what the canon should be, damnnit.
I also love the idea of Gabriel appearing in Dean's dreams. It feels very fitting that Dean could take comfort in that because nobody else would know. And that last paragraph is a winner. Luring Dean into bed for "regular hot sex" is just so Gabriel. The world is ending, there's a massive war to fight and "regular hot sex" would be right up there on Gabriel's priority list.
So, I was just skimming your journal, to see what you write - and I found this. Dean's reactions and feelings about Sam and Castiel are just...YES! This is exactly right. And Gabriel's intial shocked reaction and then his final understanding of Dean and his relationships - this is just great!
Comments 17
So after typing a little while ago that I can't read and write fic simultaneously, this story appears on my friends list and what do I do? I read it, of course! Hahaha!
I love the whole idea of Gabriel joining Team Free Will. In my head, that's what the canon should be, damnnit.
I also love the idea of Gabriel appearing in Dean's dreams. It feels very fitting that Dean could take comfort in that because nobody else would know. And that last paragraph is a winner. Luring Dean into bed for "regular hot sex" is just so Gabriel. The world is ending, there's a massive war to fight and "regular hot sex" would be right up there on Gabriel's priority list.
I second the motion!
Great job!
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