1.) This is something you weren't supposed to know, but I'll tell you anyway: In the last Bus Driver Invasion, we were all surgically implanted. Keep that on the DL....
3.) You are the Lady Toastriana Ameliana Power Rangers Michael Jackson Angelina Paperclip Brubaker, who also goes by Messr. Frodo son of Drogo Baggins when she feels like crossdressing. You were born a princess in a magical kingdom known as Rosetree, but when your castle wizard tried to magically make your action figures come alive, he accidentily sent you to your current Earth parents, and me. ^_^
4.) You better believe I lobster you. I lobster you to kingdom come, and it's the best lobstering you'll ever need. Oh yeah.
(Oh, and Harvey was gone...)
5.) I don't need to answer this when it was you who showed me the truth of the ruff n' tumble beddiness. You already know.
Comments 1
1.) This is something you weren't supposed to know, but I'll tell you anyway: In the last Bus Driver Invasion, we were all surgically implanted. Keep that on the DL....
2.)The stuff tastes fairly terrible. It's ucky cheese.
3.) You are the Lady Toastriana Ameliana Power Rangers Michael Jackson Angelina Paperclip Brubaker, who also goes by Messr. Frodo son of Drogo Baggins when she feels like crossdressing. You were born a princess in a magical kingdom known as Rosetree, but when your castle wizard tried to magically make your action figures come alive, he accidentily sent you to your current Earth parents, and me. ^_^
4.) You better believe I lobster you. I lobster you to kingdom come, and it's the best lobstering you'll ever need. Oh yeah.
(Oh, and Harvey was gone...)
5.) I don't need to answer this when it was you who showed me the truth of the ruff n' tumble beddiness. You already know.
Boy, do I sure love lobster you.
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