I don't know what to say hon. You're always the one that comforts me in bad-boyland, you always know what to say to me to put everything in perspective and make me feel so damn good. But I'm so stupid and pale in comparison.
All's I can say is that you're on Caiti's Top 3 Most Beautiful People in the whole world. You have the purest, kind hearted soul of anyone I've ever known. And I swear to god if this situation has changed ANY of that beauty I've come to know and love- I'll put his testicles in a toaster.
I love you THIS much. This will pass, like everything else does. Just say a prayer when you feel like cussin or cryin (I know it's corny..but still).
erinpants...no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yo_encanto_amorApril 29 2005, 11:29:55 UTC
none of this sadness erinpants. boys are dumb especially yours at the moment. all you need is to think of a happy place...a place w/o boy madness and research papers and all will be well. i bought you breakfast this morning and that was grand think of things like that ok??!?!?!!?!?!?! if i could i would totally man-hug you right now and then i'd do the man-dance with you ok!!!!!!!!! well feel better...next time i see which will be in 6th period we gotta man-hug it out...bye!!
Comments 9
All's I can say is that you're on Caiti's Top 3 Most Beautiful People in the whole world. You have the purest, kind hearted soul of anyone I've ever known. And I swear to god if this situation has changed ANY of that beauty I've come to know and love- I'll put his testicles in a toaster.
I love you THIS much. This will pass, like everything else does. Just say a prayer when you feel like cussin or cryin (I know it's corny..but still).
I'm here for you...I'll cut his brake line.
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