Total 1280x1024 Wallpaper Count: 3
Featuring: Big Bang (Group, T.O.P, GD)
Note: Seriously, big bang is killing me with their lollipop photoshoot T___________T. I just HAD to do something about it even though I AM supposed to be studying. Oh, gosh. ♥ I'll continue with ri, dae & taeyang next week when my exams end, look forward to it? :D Anyway, I'm satisfied how the colours turn out on this batch, hope you like it too (:
#01. Credits are loved but not necessary. If crediting, please credit
playitdirty or
heavensplay .
#02. Comment if taking. Then again, comments are always loved :D
#03. Do not claim anything as your own.
#04. Do not hotlink; upload it to your own server.
#05. Like what you see?
Join heavensplay for more graphics update.
#06. Enjoy!