(UPDATED!) Possible reason behind JYJ Kim Jae Joong's song "Nine" 9 + TRANSLATION

Nov 28, 2010 17:46



너는 사랑이란 걸 아니?
Do you know what is love?
아냐 사실 나도 모르겠어...
No~ The truth is I don't know about it too...
단지 모르는 게 Ye
Just don't knowYe
가슴이 뜨겁고 막 뛰고 자꾸 눈물이 흘러 나
My heart is burning as I keep running and tearing up
어떻게 해야하는 거니.
What should I do for you?
찾아가 무릎 꿀으면 되니...
Should I beg on bended knees?
나도 모르게 Ye
You know it Ye
계속 너를 찾고 또 뛰고, 걷다 보면 또 제자리야
I keep running to find you but I'll end up back to the original spot
Do you not love me? Do you not want to forget?

새로 시작하려 해도
Even if I want a new beginning
쉽게 되지가 않는 우리 사랑
It's not so easy for our love
내 기억. 추억들~
Our memories. sweet memories~
더 이상 감출 수조차 없는 내가 되었으니~
This is what I've become and I can no longer hide it~
지난 날은 잊어~
Forget the past~
오직 서로만 지켜 가면 돼
The two of us is sufficient to protect each other
이제 우린 알 수 있잖아.
Now, we know it
말하지 않아도 알잖아
Together, we understand even without words
매일, 멀지 않던 어제만 소리 치면 되
Soon, we will shout out of the past that isn't too far
말하지 못해서 미안해
I'm sorry I can't say it
사랑한다 그대여
I love you, baby
몇 번이고 전화도 해봤어
I tried several times on the phone
무슨 말을 할까 고민했어...
I've been thinking how to say my feelings...
나도 모르게 Ye~
I don't know it too Ye~
잠을 자고 일어날 때도 계속 너를 찾게 되는 거야
Even in my sleep and when I wake up, I can't help but find you
날 봐 지금의 나를 봐
Look at me, look at the me now
너무나 변해버린 내 모습 좀 어색하지만 기다려
It's awkward because I've changed so much, but I kept waiting
너무 멀어지지 말자 내 앞에 세상과 약속할테니
Let's not be too far apart, I made a promise to the world in front of me

translated by: JJonly4ever + HeavensWine

Possible reason behind the title of JaeJoong's song...
 Name someone who JaeJoong knew for NINE years now???

AADBSK2 released on 2007
YunJae Couple Talk

JJ: It was year 2001 when we first met each other.
It would be 6 years all together...

말하지 않아도 알잖아
Together, we understand even without words
말하지 못해서 미안해
I'm sorry I can't say it.


TVXQ! We always keep the faith.

심창민, aktf, 동방신기, jyj, 豆花, yunjae, 在浩, 재호, zaihao, jaejoong, nine, 최강창민, 유천, jaechun, 믹키유천, 정윤호, 박유천, jaeyoon, tvxq, 재윤, 允在, 秘奇有天, ジェジュン, jejung, hero, 東方神起, 시아준수, 沈昌珉, 준수, yoosu, jaesu, 김재중, ユンホ, 윤재, ジュンス, max, 김준수, yunzai, 윤호, dbsk, 재중, 유노윤호, douhua, ユチョン, 영웅재중, 최강, jaeho

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