[TN: Yes, it's typo'd on purpose, because the actual title is also, most likely, typo'd. He wrote つかりた, while he probably meant つかれた, looking at the first line in the entry; り and れ are almost like A and C on the cellphone keyboard, there's only one letter between them, so...]
I've been tired the whole day at practice~
Finally, after being all exhausted, I get to sleep
Oh yeah! Today Akasaka BLITZ got magnificently sold out!! We'll get to have a live in front of the most people in SuG's history, I'm simply happy(>_<)
We'll rock the highest of stagesss
It's really been a year during which we've crawled up from the very bottom.
I'll properly return it with love.
[TN: 返す is a verb which, besides other things, means returning or giving back things. As he's expressing his gratitude towards their fans, he means he wants to give back as much love as their fans have given them while rooting for them.]
Thank you for protecting this place together with us.
[TN: Reference to the lyrics of 39GalaxyZ.]
Goooood morninggg
[TN: He's written the title very specifically, adding even an extra useless syllable.]
So, shall we live this day firmly as well
[TN: a lot of TNs today....... he wrote いきます without any kanji to specify whether he meant 行く, go, or 生きる, to live.]
Everyone, try your appropriate best!
Completely exhausted
I'm super duper tiiireeed
[TN: まくる is a verb, but it's also a verb suffix to describe "reckless abandon to the activity".]
Costume rehearsal
[TN: ...although, he doesn't use the more commonly known word, ゲネプロ.]
I worked hard, I worked hard
We'll see soooooon(>_<)
I'll eat some lunch now