the dude is here and he rules! i'm so stoked to have him! he's the chillest kitty ever...except around clinton and clementyne haha.
"what the fuck you sniffin fool?!" hahahaha
the tawn checking him out
not wanting to be here haha
so far clinton seems to be just curious of the dude, but he's not trippin over him. just trying to figure out what the dude is all about. but surprisingly clementyne is quite unstoked on the dude. i think she's jealous of him because of the attention me and clinton have been giving him. the dude is so far scared of both of them. he and clementyne had a hissing match haha. and clem was making weird noises at him. but i think in a couple days things should be good. besides the dude is very dude like because he just sleeps alot. he fucking rules though. i'm so excited.