May 28, 2021 12:00
- Thu, 12:07: RT @ mredwards: Have been out dropping leaflets in the continuing search for Billie, now missing for 4 days. Finding it v hard to concentrat…
May 26, 2021 12:00
- Wed, 10:15: Mine chased a bird into the house a few days ago. Then stared at it while it sat in front of him, tweeting, wondering which end to eat first. Bird did no better - flying onto my hand, my head, my back, but refusing to fly out the damned window. What do they teach them nowadays? https://t.co/wrBt5qknlR
Apr 20, 2021 09:24
- Tue, 07:25: RT @ Lucy_Hammo: Every time someone’s says ‘two households’ in relation to corona restrictions I immediately internally reply ‘both alike in…