Title : Mightier Than the Sword?
Rating: G
Pairing: Snape/Lucius
Author: Hecate_12
Challenge: Challenge #243: Olympic Sports: Fencing
Word Count: 100
Snape removed his mask and wiped the sweat from his brow. Standing opposite him, Lucius did the same. “You surprise me Severus. I had no idea you’d be any good with a sword. Too busy with your books and your cauldron.”
Severus looked down at the shining rapier in his hand. “On the contrary, Lucius. I find the thrill of the fight… intoxicating. It’s a question of power, my friend.”
He stepped up to Malfoy and placed the tip of his rapier at the other man’s throat; watched his pulse throbbing in the hollow there. “It is all about power”.