These are the grades from
this homework post! This is my first time grading homework, so I hope I did okay! Let me know if there's anything wrong.
Molly Hayes, 3rd year; Grade: O, points awarded: 12. Molly will find little smiley faces and a dilapidated dinosaur (she likes those, right?) drawn on her paper - Antonio is quite proud of you!
Peter Kirkland, 3rd year; Grade: O, points awarded: 12. Peter will find little smiley faces and stars drawn on his paper - Antonio is quite proud of you!
Utena Tenjou, 4th year; Grade: E, points awarded: 8. Antonio draws a small smiley face in the corner, and writes next to the drawings - with arrows pointing at them - saying that they were quite cute.
Hayato Gokudera, 5th year; Grade: O, points awarded: 12. Hayato will find a smiley face drawn on his paper, as well as a note congratulating him on doing his research very well.
Taiga Aisaka, 6th year; Grade: E, points awarded: 8. Antonio is happy with your essay, but makes a note saying to put more of your cute voice into it! Copying is not the way to go.
Emmellitaline Janssens, 5th year; Grade O, points awarded: 12. Antonio is very proud of your essay, and draws tons of little flowers, stars, and smiley faces in one of the corners. (You'll be getting a hug later!)
Kanji Tatsumi, 5th year; Grade: A, points awarded: 3. Kanji is warned that he needs to do much better research and try much harder next time - Antonio is letting him slide on this one, but he might not be so forgiving next essay.
Kio Kaidou, 6th year; Grade: O, points awarded: 12. Antonio is amazed by the drawings, and writes that Kio should consider getting a job as a field artist once he graduates.
Lovino Vargas; 6th year; Grade: O, points awarded: 10. Antonio draws lots of little smiley faces and a heart in one of the corners, although he warns Lovino to be much neater with his essay next time. (By which he means actually hit two and half feet, Lovi.)
Yekaterina Kyivna Banchenko, 7th year; Grade: E, points awarded: 9. Antonio likes her essay quite a bit, but makes a note saying she should not be so scared of her studies! (He also recommends that maybe she should take the Advanced class, since she seems so keen on protecting herself.)
Matthew Kirkland, 7th year; Grade: E, points awarded: 7. Antonio likes his essay, but notes that Matthew should put more of his voice into it and not just stick to the basics. (Also, try to keep it cleaner next time!)
Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka, 7th year; Grade: O, points awarded: 10. Antonio is quite pleased with it, and only makes a quick note that he should be more excited about the class! (There's a little smiley face with flowers drawn in the corner, as well.)
Mukuro Rokudo, 5th year; Grade: E, points awarded: 8. No notes, although there is a small smiley face is in the corner of his paper.
Lili Rochefort, 7th year; Grade: O, points awarded: 12. Lili will find a smiley face and a star drawn on her essay, and he doesn't make any note on the shortness on the habitat part - the rest of the essay is very sound, and he doesn't change his grade.