Judges, entrants, and watchers, please pay attention.
The Judging Guidelines
Fanfiction Category
Grammar - 20%
You might want to get yourself a beta reader. :) I will be paying close attention to grammar. Get your “you’re” and “your” straightened out! Try not to over-write your fics. “Orbs” is not a good replacement for the word “eyes”. *facepalm* Please try not to commit these mistakes! Misspells are an eyesore. Punctuations and proper capitalization are love!
Creativity - 20%
Heechul said WUT? Heechul did WHO? Story twists, flips, bends, and extraordinary uses of Kim Heechul. Need I say more?
Originality - 20%
Uh-oh for cliché plots, unless you can totally make it work! :D
But how is it different from creativity? Creativity is all about what you did with your story. Originality is all about the story concept.
A story with a cliché plot and awesome twists get so-so marks on originality and high marks on creativity.
Characterization - 20%
Use Heechul’s personality wisely! :D You all know the basics. He’s proud, loves attention, funny, and always ready to watch his friends’ backs, but, of course, there is so much more to his personality. The deeper you can go, the better your score! And don’t be afraid to somehow turn his affinity for doing impressions into something sexy (I may have stolen a fic idea there).
Initial Impact - 20%
Did I fall off of my chair laughing? Did my heart bleed cheese and all things mushy? Did my brain explode from the sheer awesomeness? A story has to have impact, and the moment I finish reading a story, I will put a score on this. So make your endings epic!
Total - 100%
Photomanipulation Category
Cleanliness/Technicality - 35%
Watch the edges of those pics! Did you crop them well? Are the tones right? Is the angle good? Oh yes, the higher the quality, the better. :)
Originality - 40%
"I would never have imagined it happening in this situation! OMG, all of those people!"
Surprise me. :D Remember, kissing is the main theme, but that doesn’t mean it should be cliché.
Initial Impact - 25%
First impressions last. :)
Entries 101
Fanfiction Category Entries:
- Slash and het fics are acceptable, but no original characters. (Meaning no Mary Sues or Gary Sues, lovelies~ *waggles eyebrows*)
- All entries must be a one-shot, or can stand on its own if you wish to continue with your story.
- There is no minimum number of words for each fanfiction, but it cannot exceed 3000 words.
- You cannot submit fanfiction that was written prior to this contest.
- Any genre or rating will do, as long as you stick to the prompt.
- All participants are allowed only one entry.
- You cannot pair Heechul with someone he has already kissed. These are Jungmo, Sungmin, and Siwon. (If I have forgotten anyone, please tell me.)
- It can be as absurd or as serious as you wish, as long it follows all of the above rules.
- There will be three winners and then each judge can pick their personal favorite and bestow whatever prize they wish to bestow upon the winner.
- There will also be a People's Choice Award!
Photo-Manipulation Category Entries:
- Slash and het are acceptable, but please use recognizable people only. We know most of you would probably like to kiss Heechul and you’d just make us jealous if you send in a picture of you kissing Heechul, okay?
- Pictures must not be smaller than 200 x 200 pixels or larger than 1000 x 1000 pixels.
- Pictures can be submitted in either JPEG or GIF format.
- You cannot submit a photo-manip that was made prior to this contest.
- All participants are allowed only one entry.
- You cannot pair Heechul with someone he has already kissed. These are Jungmo, Sungmin, and Siwon. (If I have forgotten anyone, please tell me.)
- It can be as absurd or as serious as you wish, as long it follows all of the above rules.
- There will be three winners and then each judge can pick their personal favorite and bestow whatever prize they wish to bestow upon the winner.
- There will also be a People's Choice Award!
Submitting your entries, a step by step procedure:
For Fanfictions
1. Write your fic. Read it. Check for any errors. Post in your LJ.
2. Follow this format when posting your fics:
Warnings: (if necessary)
LJ cut to your fic.
3. Got it posted? Message
ficcy with your story link. And await your final judgment!
For Photo-Manipulation Entries:
1. Make your photomanip. Prettify it. Post in your LJ.
2. Under your photomanip, post three screenshots of you working on your entry (this is to make sure that you did not steal someone else’s work) and all of the original pictures used. Include credits if necessary, such as brushes or stock. Include warnings, if there are any.
3. Post your entries under an LJ cut if it is rated R and above.
4. Got it posted? Message
ficcy with your photomanip link. And await your final judgment!
I will be accepting entries until April 30, 2009.
Lots of time for you to work on your entries! :D
The People's Choice Award
I will be posting links to the entries here and it will be updated weekly.
On April 30, 2009, fans of a particular work can vote like mad for their favorite, right here on this comm.
Be as biased as you want to be dearies. It's your choice. :)
Warnings aka Mood Killer:
(Because it must be said.)
- No bashing of any kind. Don’t like the contest, pairing, fic, or photomanip? No need to go a-flaming about it. If you really must say something, please do it tactfully and in a non-confrontational manner - the one you’re complaining against will hear you out more if you’re not behaving like a spoiled child. Be respectful, unless you want some angry supporters bashing you right back.
- No serious discussions about the issue behind this contest, because that often spells trouble and a lot of too jealous and upset fans. Put your trust in Heechul and move on. Remember, this is for fun. :)
- No cheating. New accounts will be immediately subjected to suspicion as I’ve encountered a past issue of cheating in the
Smut-Tastic Suju Fic Fest, where one person made multiple accounts to vote repeatedly on numerous themes. All those who are caught cheating will immediately be disqualified from the contest, and any future contests, if any.
- Judges, please dote on your favorites in the award assigned to it. If I feel favoritism, especially if the entrant is one of your LJ friends, I will question it.
Have fun and behave kids. ^^ *pats you all on your heads*
Cheers to a fun-filled massacre! (Boy that still sounds weird.)