One of the office girls: "Aaron. Vary's a Diva. Do you know what that is?"
Aaron: .....
Aaron: [Speaks like he's giving directions] "A Diva is a female version of a hustler."
Aaron: "....of a hustler."
Aaron: [Feigning nonchalance and distraction.] "Uh. ..of a hustler."
One of the offce girls: [Cackles]
Aaron: [Pretends to be Super Busy and Walks It Off.]
Sasha: "..So. -How- in the world are you so innocent? Like. Not dating or doing anything at all."
Aaron: "..."
Aaron: "Because I'm a cynic. I look at relationships in a negative and judgmental light."
Sasha: "So... Uh. You're emo?"
Aaron: [Rolls with this- obvious lie, since she's not serious.]
Aaron: "Yes. I sit at home listening to-"
Sasha: "Emo music?"
Aaron: "Sure."
Sasha: "And you wear black makeup and-"
Aaron: "Yes. And cry. A lot."
Sasha: "I knew it."
Aaron: "Sasha." [Looks at her, gravely.]
Aaron: "I have a Black Soul. I'm a very Evil Person."
Aaron: [Tries to do with with a straight face.]
Sasha: "..."
Sasha: [Laughs]
Sasha: "Hey. Are you going to the Christmas party?"
Aaron: [Embarrassed.] "Asasfk. Huh?"
Sasha: "You'd better go or I'll never talk to you again."
Sasha: "If you don't show, I have you know..You and Me? We'll be through."
[To note- this girl is dating the only male friend I have. So. I have no idea if she just pokes at me to watch me flail, or because she's trying to be nice. But. Yes. 'Her and I' consists of...words exchanged. Every week.]
Sasha: "Fineto."
Aaron: [Non sarcastic deadpan.] "Oh no. Then we'll never get to do... Uhm. Stuff. ...Again."
Aaron: "How can I ever live without..
Aaron: "...stuff?"
Sasha: "FFFFff. You're crazy."
Aaron: "asdgk.."
And then All Vary says is "You need help" or "You goin' down."