Title - Before the Dawn Fandom - H50 Characters - Danny Williams, Steve McGarrett Summary - Written as a prequel/companion piece for New Dawn . It's a rainy Monday morning when the world changes
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I say it a lot, but it's true - it's always a great feeling to see the prompts turn into fic! I re-read the fic this is a prequel to and remember it. Very compelling!
I haven't played with short form much beyond drabbles- kind of want to try some interactive story-telling templates. I used to love the old DOS games back when that took a story down multiple paths depending on the path a user too. Gotta mayb play with that this summer!
I think the interactive story idea would be fantastic fun - if you're looking to bounce ideas off anyone I'm happy to oblige with the bouncing and cheerleading x
Comments 3
I haven't played with short form much beyond drabbles- kind of want to try some interactive story-telling templates. I used to love the old DOS games back when that took a story down multiple paths depending on the path a user too. Gotta mayb play with that this summer!
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