So, I've been a busy busy bee. I'm almost done with Max, the porn!J2, and I've got my leg in the door for emo!Sync. I've also cracked open enough of those ficlets to post a few, and then did a few drive-bys for
Geneli4's run-on spankathon.
Let's start with the spankathon, first.
JC/Lance with bondage )
Comments 4
When I read the cut tag, I was just trying to imagine what poor Tracy Chapman had to do with this, but that was just brilliant. No one will ever convince me now that JP isn't listening to his Tracy Chapman tape (!) between takes. Also, how much do I love that it was a tape deck? oh, Jared.
He splays Jensen’s pants open like he’s performing surgery, fingers delicate and warm.
That was super duper hot, and made me go "awwww," in between all the laughing.
“I hope to fuck that doesn’t make me K-fed, because that’s just disgusting,”
You win at life. That's all.
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