Ah, I'm back Hogwarts! I've missed this place, the halls, my room.... And the food too.
I'm eager to start classes as well, I wonder if it will be much different from last year?
This room looks almost bare without the humflora, though... I think I will miss it, Fletcher.
The train ride was fun, but made me a bit tired.
Koushirou actually half hugged me when it was getting dark, and he didn't let go until the train stopped on the station.... I didn't mind him, but.... I wonder why he did that? He usually isn't someone to get touchy or anything.... I hope he still doesn't think I'm mad at him about the kiss thing.
And he got all strange when I teached him how to say love in german too.... I wonder if he is the one mad about that subject.
[Private to Koushirou]
Pratice the words I taught you today, or you will forget them. ^^
And... you can sleep with Kätchen if you want. She missed you too.