The essay post. Mostly for my own use. Filled with spoilers and spoilery things. You might want to first read
The God Eaters by Jesse Hajicek before you look inside. If I got something wrong be sure to smack me cuz I need to fix it.
Magic of GE
Basics of Magic
In the God Eater world all things be they objects, life forms, light, sound or even thoughts are formed with patterns of energy. It is this energy within all things that gives them their shape and properties. The only difference is the kind of pattern within the object. Matter would be formed of tightly patterned and organized energy while thoughts would be formed by more loosely organized energy. Magic is created by changing the pattern of objects or creating new shapes and spells with patterned energy.
Water and Grounded metal
Water is the only naturally formed pattern that can interfere when making a change to patterned energy. Water does not affect an already formed pattern but it absorbs any loose energy thus making it hard to do magic or get clear readings from the naturally released energy of objects. Grounded metal such as the rails of trains also appear to interfere with magic. This is possibly because of the electrical properties in common with the metal and water.
Talents and Mages
All people in the God Eater world are theoretically suppose to be able to do magic to some degree. However because of the government control on information regarding this, the most common magic users are people who posses Talents. A Talent is a inherent ability to a particular form of magic ingrained within the pattern/soul/body of an individual. These talents tend to be a basic level of control and are referred to as forms of psychokinesis.
Mages in the God Eater world are able to take pattern from within themselves to form spells or affect the pattern within already existing objects. Government mages tend to use spells that follow the same designs and are limited in what they can do. It is possible however to create entirely new spells, in whatever form, that could have the same effects. No words or movements are necessary to make these changes as they are done with the pattern already within the individual. The actual spells are invisible to an untrained magical eye and only their effects tend to be seen. Magic can be done with spells within specific words or writing but this is uncommon due to the destruction of almost all information detailing the process.
Gods and Theophages
The gods of GE were all humans at one point and earned their divinity by the beliefs of their people and the passage of time. They incarnate into mortal bodies and add onto their patterned energy with each lifetime. These incarnations are called Theophages or God Eaters. It is possible for the host body to have it's own soul pattern and be in control but most gods destroy the soul of the host and implant their own. Even when doing this however, the mind of a child is too small to fully accept the complete pattern of the god and they are unable to come into their full powers until puberty. Gods are also able to eat one another and thus gain the knowledge and powers of others. This process will however merge at least a part of the personality of the original god unto the recipient.
Because they are not truly divine gods can be killed while in mortal bodies and even when outside. The death of the mortal body creates a "burn" in the land where the power of the god will attack anything within that area. These burns will dissipate over time depending on the amount of energy the god possess. The destruction of the pattern of a god is possible but it is unknown if this will create a burn area or not.
Kieran's actual powers
Kieran has a very large pattern within him that can be used to form spells and thus create many different forms of magic. His pattern is however very wild and follows his personality. This means that things such as destructive spells are learned very easily and healing or creation spells are somewhat difficult for him.
Kieran also has various inherent powers that do not require nearly as much energy as spells and that he actively has to control.
Necromancy: This power is shown in three different forms in canon.
The first is the ability to snap a person's life thread. This results in an instant death and a recoil of power depending on the amount originally needed to kill the person. People close to death require less energy than those who are healthy. It can also be assumed that the more magical energy a person has the harder they are to kill.
The second way necromancy is shown is in the ability to bring people back from the dead. This is done by putting the pattern of the person back into the body. This does not affect the status of the body however and will result in death again if not healed. The longer a person has been dead for the more energy it will take to bring them back.
The third way it is shown is in the power to place a jinx on a person's life. This will result in a natural or accidental death. The specifics for this ability are never given but appear to mix the necromancy with fate. Examples of deaths caused by this are; a snake bite, a fight between two jinxed individuals that resulted in both their deaths and a heart attack. This aspect of necromancy is also the one most likely to be controlled by emotion than actual will.
Oneiromancy: This is Kieran's strongest and possibly least controlled powers. It enables him to take over the dreams of others, have prophetic dreams and give other people prophetic dreams as well. When in the dreams of others he can manipulate the dream to create whatever he wants and can participate in the dream himself if he chooses. Prophetic dreams can be directed to specific subjects up to a point but cannot be controlled.
Storm calling: This enables Kieran to sense and direct storms. He can create a storm as well but this requires more energy and time. Aspects of storms such as wind can be controlled at will. Water and lightning can be brought by a storm but cannot be used at will without one.
Actual Gods of GE
Nicknames: Prince of Pain, Dreamer
Specific Domain(s): Dreams, Storms and Death.
Incarnation: Kieran
Ka'an is the oldest god in GE and has been reincarnated hundreds of times. He earned his divinity by introducing the world to opium and being worshiped by the Iavaian people for this. His original power was that of prophetic dreams (what people thought they were having while on the opium) and when he and his people conquered other lands he was able to add on the powers of death and storms to himself as well. Ka'an ruled over all other gods and was a very cruel master. Eventually Dalan rebelled against him and many gods joined him. Ka'an was defeated and his powers created a 36 mile long burn.
Ka'an and his empire seem to follow the model of Egyptian/Aztec society both historically and religiously. The roles in society are not completely divided by gender and women are able to hold a respectful place outside of marriage as priestesses and warriors. Sexuality is not restricted to any specific forms.
Nicknames: The Judge
Specific Domain(s): Vast but unknown for the most part
Incarnation: Thelyan
Dalan was originally a slave that freed his people and was worshiped for it. He was the first god to rebel against Ka'an and many other gods joined him. However Dalan's ambition for power led him to force other gods to join him and he eventually became as dangerous as Ka'an himself. Dalan defeated Ka'an and destroyed his body but was unable to destroy the god himself.
Dalan and his empire appear to follow the model of Spanish/English society historically and religiously. Society is divided by gender and women only hold a place in society when married. Only heterosexuality is accepted.
Nicknames: Green Lady
Specific Domain(s):
Incarnation: Ashleigh
Medur was originally a queen of Yelorre who advanced magic and culture for her empire. Even after her death her people worshiped her and called upon her to guide them thus earning her divinity. When Dalan ate other gods to gain power Medur fought against him but lost. Dalan did not eat her because he was afraid her sentimental nature would weaken him.
Medur and her empire seem to vaguely follow the model of Ireland historically. Society is not divided by gender and women hold the same place as men. Sexuality is not restricted.
Nicknames: Observer, the Silent One
Specific Domain(s): Knowledge
Incarnation: n/a
The origin of Chaiel is unknown. He was a very minor god and did not participate in the war between Ka'an and Dalan. His powers of clairvoyance allowed him to gain knowledge of magic that was not available to other gods and he was eventually imprisoned by Dalan in a null sphere in the hope that Chaiel would share this knowledge with him.
Chaiel seems to follow the model of eastern religions such as Buddhism. It is unknown if he ever had an empire of his own.