Feb 09, 2009 15:24

never you mind the fact that years of mismanagement, public and private, have pushed the economy down the rabbit hole. never you mind that people are starving and the food bank i volunteer at keeps running out of food, that the number of homeless people is spiking, or that people are getting robbed for their food stamp cards in Missouri (oh wait ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

tgies February 10 2009, 00:00:18 UTC
i was fixing to post this actually holy shit the entitled rich make me want to vomit my guts out

if you can't find a way to live on a half million dollars a year (which is what, like seven hundred times the sum of the incomes of half the people in the world?) you're terrible with money and must be some fucking awful banker

oh, but guys! all this excess is necessary to ~get ahead~ in the world they live in! that matters somehow!

imo if you are a banker who makes that much money you basically deserve to be miserable anyway


heinousbitca February 10 2009, 00:03:53 UTC
i can defend needing a nice suit. however, if you're in NYC, you can do way nicer than Brooks Brothers for half the cost.

the rest of it made me wanna vomit, too.


caladri February 10 2009, 00:53:08 UTC
Your mistake is that you aren't taking a private jet each way for a ski trip, presumably. Also, baths in Johnnie Walker Hyper-Intelligent Shade of Blue.


quodlibetic February 10 2009, 02:46:51 UTC
I fucking hate the industry that employs me. I'm biding my time til Jeremy and I open our used bookstore-beer bar or organic arugula farm. Blehhhh.


lisaquestions February 10 2009, 07:16:25 UTC
Clearly, being paid $5,000 is a tremendous hardship.

I'm willing to step up and volunteer to endure this harsh ordeal.


lisaquestions February 10 2009, 07:16:39 UTC
$5000/week, I mean.


heinousbitca February 10 2009, 13:12:53 UTC
i'm not sure what i'm happier for...that your awesomeness is gracing the internets again or that you can find it within yourself to live on only 5k a week.

i know. it's a hard life. what will you do when the learjet needs fuel?


lisaquestions February 10 2009, 13:25:43 UTC
I was thinking of saving money by flying first class.

Sadly, I doubt I could afford the entire cabin. Therefore, I'll just wear expensive clothing to hide my economic paucity.


outlawradio February 11 2009, 00:16:34 UTC
This annoyed the pants off me and here's why.

I live in Brooklyn BECAUSE IT'S CHEAPER. I hear New Jersey is cheaper too. Maybe these guys should suck it up and get the hell off of Park Avenue before they start complaining.


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