Title: Fluffy and PV
Author: heiryzmylisza
Pairing: Tegomass of course!!!
Rating: EF for extreme fluff
Summary: tegomass fluffiness?
Disclaimer: Tegomass ain't mine but i'm going to take them away from Johnny...lol
Notes: for ( eve_karen ) because she loves my fics so much and she equated me and tegomass into love!!! aaawww!!! ^____^ hope these are
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Comments 56
STILL heiryzmylisza + tegomass is ♥♥♥!!!
My heart goes doki doki when I read this!
ILUSM and a BILLION thanks!!! *hugs and clings*
P.S. *i hope it will be true* lol XD
anyway, you're very welcome!!!
i enjoyed writing this too!!!
p.s. what would come true?
if they did that, i could just die of happiness!!!
*sigh* now i don't know how i'm going to pull off my fic. dare... i dunno how to write a tegomass fic. nor make an ai ai gasa themed one... T____T
oh well... anyway... love the story! please write more tegomass ne?
you're starting to become the reason why i'm starting to love tegomass again! X3
what? i don't believe you on that... you're gonna be great... can't wait for that ai ai gasa themed one if you push it through... promise me you will ok? yakusoku? ^_^
i definitely will... tegomass is my otp so i could never abandon them!!! nyahahaha!!!
aaww... that's so sweet to say ne?
lol. thank you for thinking that! *hugs* i'll try my best then! i guess i'll write that first before the sequel... i'm stuck on my other fic... T____T
rofl. i'm looking forward to your future fics. then! :D
hehe. well it's true! you're the only user i see that's been writing tegomass these days but that's alright since your stories are great... :)
i'm excited already...lol!!!
yeah, i noticed that too...
everyone's focused on the other pairings!!!
anyway, i'm glad you also think of my fics like that!!!
arigatou gozaimasu!!! ^_____^
arigatou gozaimasu...^_^
i want to be in a fluffy love as well!!!!!
this is sooooooo cute dear!!
i would never be able to make anything cute like this!!
i'm not much of a tegomass pairing fan, although i think they look cute together as friends..
but u never fail me even once with this pairing!!
good job, honey!
ehh? i think your works are cute as well!!!
arigatou... i'm glad to hear that from you...
i've decided that they're my otp
so i can't bear to fail them as a fan!!! lol...
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