Horrific Incident at work today

Dec 11, 2010 20:36

 So, I went to work this morning, really not wanting to be there because of the shit they pull on me.

Anywhere from being micromanagemed until I want to burn the place down, being forced to deal with telling customers about FINE PRINT, pressures to sign people up for a useless program [unless they drink booze or coffee], and bullshit with shitty hours even after all of this.

But that's not what this is about. This is even worse than all of the afforementioned combined.

So here I am, about to go in for a wretched 9-hour shift [really guys? 8-5?], having been up since six, when, heading towards the break room, I hear a very, very terrified little "SQUEAK".

And I see, in a glue trap

A tiny, tiny... tiny little brown mouse.

It is struggling, it is terrified, it is drooling and snotting and squeaking from utter fear while stuck completely on this horrific thing.

I dropped everything and tried to figure out what to do

I thought, hey, maybe if I use water it'll help it come off.

No.. it didn't. The poor thing ended up being TRAUMATIZED by being stuck to this thing, fucking SPLASHED WITH WATER because I thought it'd help

I tried to pull it off. I sunk my fingers into the goop and tried my damnest

The thing was maybe 3 inches long including its little tail, so I was very afraid I would accidentially kill it.

And that's when I lost it.

Now, pausing for a moment, I have only three things that I truly care for [outside of good friends] in this life.

Two of those three things are my little rats, Phoebe and Vivian.

This was hitting too close to home for me, because Vivian is possibly getting sick right now, and I'm just watching the mail to see when her medicine will arrive.

So, to continue, I broke down. I ran through the store, shouting "ERIK !! ERIK!!! _ERIK!!!_" Trying to find the only other person there other than myself and the manager to help me

I explained about the little mouse, and he charged in to see what he could do.

But I.. I pointed him to the women's bathroom where I went with him and well

Started crying. Really heavily.

I even called my mom, dorkily enough. I just had to cry to someone. It was to the extent that the manager in the rather isolated backroom heard me wailing

She tried to 'comfort me', but I pushed her away because

- I know she doesn't really give a shit
- She's a bitch and I hate her
- I was on the fucking phone and she was trying to talk over my mom

And sure, I know that businesses need to do pest control.

You'll find that I am really unsympathetic when it comes to this horrible company and their so-called plight.

There are more humane traps

I hope that place burns to the ground.

PS - I ended up having an emotional breakdown about three hours after the incident, and was sent home early.
I saw a former coworker in the mall and she told me that if you use any oil [ie olive oil] they'll usually slip right out

So if you ever see anything like that in a horrible trap that way, you'll be able to save them yourself.
I wish I had known sooner, so please spread the word
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