Jun 22, 2005 18:51
So again the second time I have had to restart this entry
Today was not fun nor good, for some odd reason I felt so alone, then I'm a bitch which doesn't help and not that anyone likes to hear me complain and/or reads this anymore, so if you care to know you can call me
♥ Brigid
May 27, 2005 16:53
Lets see, no more dance
Movies(possibility) tonight and Washington in 4 days!!!! Yeah, I'm excited
No School for 9 days
My computer isn't working, so apologies for being distant
May 17, 2005 17:02
Dance is a bitch, I have no clue what to do....friends or career?
I Don't know!!!! =( rar...
Well I'm tired and I should probably start my lab report and do my vocabulary, only one more lesson in the workbook, that makes me happy
May 15, 2005 14:03
Keri's Party...good, nothing thrilling or worth while to tell anyone
I have a lot of stuff to do today...homework, clean, project, etc.
I got a new bathing suit, its a tube top and its striped!!(pink, black, red, and white, oh and grey) It's pretty cute I must say
I'm sleepy again, and I'm procrastinating...MCAS week, not too psyched.
May 13, 2005 18:31
Alec was just here...all is good
I have icky dance tomorrow and I'm very sleepy(yawns)
Lets see, oh yes...this year I have two messed up dance costumes, which are ugly to begin with, and one is the exact same from last year. Sounds like a good time to me.uuuuuuuuugh
I have bad mood swings...maybe I'm just messed up?
May 13, 2005 17:59
I'm going to bite someone's head off
Jesus Christ
May 12, 2005 14:45
Dance today, bored....I hope my teacher still has the flu, maybe she will
Im getting my HOTT aviator disney sunglasses, they are pimp
Well this week as been dull, unfufilling, and just plain downhill, and probably even more so when I find out my classes
I have to change now...bye
May 09, 2005 21:41
Dance Dance, the usual..Boy do I love my Danielle, she's the reason I love to go to dance, she is hilaaaarious! She's the -ish, She just cracks me up, Her and Emma are my idols...
And iPod shuffle, snaps for that 70 songs baby!
My tummy hurts alot today, and my head, My hair was also huge today, what was up??
Well off to do homework and what
May 06, 2005 21:22
Dance is taking over my life, it sucks I hate it
Im gonna shoot someone, This makes me crazy
An extra hour and a half just to travel, I'm going to shoot myself....eugh