[music| Comptine d´un autre été - Yann Tiersen]
Phew! I´m back again! So soon? Yeah, yeah, I´m weak! Some people requested me some tuts and I´ve do them sooner than I thought. So here they are. I hate doing tuts because so it seems like if I knew about icons. And... nope, that´s not true. So just read them and improve them!
Requested by
english_teacups and
Step 1:
Crop and resize your image. In this case I duplicate it twice and cut it up into pieces to do it more original.
Step 2:
Duplicate it and set it on screen as many times as necessary. I did it twice.
Step 3:
Add a new SELECTIVE COLOR layer:
REDS: cyan -53, magenta +30, yellow +64
YELLOWS: cyan +54, yellow -39
NEUTRALS: cyan +48, yellow -51
Step 4:
Add a HUE/SATURATION layer and increase the saturation by +31 and the red saturation by +30.
Step 5:
Add a new SELECTIVE COLOR layer:
REDS: cyan -49, magenta +41, yellow +44
YELLOWS: cyan -15, magenta +47, yellow +33
CYANS: black +40
NEUTRALS: cyan +30, yellow -19
Step 6:
Add a HUE/SATURATION layer and increase the saturation by +20.
And that´s all :)
You know you will have to play around with the settings ´cause every cap is different, and if you have any question just tell me :) I would love to see what you get!
Requested by
Step 1:
Crop and resize your image. Putting the main figure on a side usually looks nice :)
Step 2:
Duplicate it and set it on screen as many times as necessary. I did it twice.
Step 3:
Add a new CURVES layer using that settings:
RGB: input-70 output-56 ; input-186 output-211
RED: input-117 output-143
GREEN: input-138 output-121
BLUE: input-134 output-119
Step 4:
Add a new SELECTIVE COLOR layer:
REDS: cyan -49, magenta +16, yellow +57
YELLOWS: cyan -49, yellow +45
GREENS: cyan +79, magenta +61, yellow +80
NEUTRALS: cyan +54, yellow -45
Step 5:
Add a new CURVES:
RGB: input-55 output-46 ; input-182 output-196
RED: input-116 output-137
GREEN: input-113 output-135
BLUE: input-134 output-123
Step 6:
Add a new SELECTIVE COLOR layer:
REDS: cyan -35, magenta +25, yellow +55
YELLOWS: cyan +46, yellow -32
GREENS: cyan +100, magenta -79, yellow +100
NEUTRALS: cyan +33, yellow -26
Step 6:
Add a HUE/SATURATION layer and increase the saturation by +20. Set the yellows saturation on -20 and the green saturation in +30.
And that´s all :)
Playing around with the settings is important ´cause every cap is different. If you have any question just tell me :) I would love to see what you get!