"If you're expecting tears from me, you can forget it."
"I'm not expecting anything. I just wanted to meet you."
"Did you know a Carter Espen?"
"Oh god, totally."
"He used to date this girl Rebecca."
"Yeah, that was me."
"Okay, I'm officially freaked out now. What if we had met? What if we-"
"Oh, the greek tragedy of it all."
"You know what, I don't really want to know."
"Come on."
"No, I just, I don't need to hear about it. . . . Oh my god, you are such a gossip."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are, look at your face."
"Look, I was wrong, okay? And if I could take it back I would. But you have got to stop being mad at me. I can't take it. I mean, you're the one person in my life who actually gets me, and... I should have known better. I should have trusted you."
"You were wrong about being the black sheep. You're the heart of this family, Justin. They need you, and... I need you. Please be okay."
"We grew up with sisters, we gave up on privacy a long time ago."
"You know what, speak for yourself."
"Oh hey, what are you up to?"
"I am going on a field trip. And you're coming with me."
"Don't be embarassed, your girlfriend will like you either way."
"Oh, no, no. She's my sister."
"Well then she has to love you."
"Wow. So uh, so you don't believe me. So you think I'm an addict and a liar."
"Justin, you were the one who said you were worried about taking the pills"
"Yeah, because I knew something like this would happen! People watching me, and accusing me."
"I'm just- I'm making sure-"
"Do you think that's going to make me feel better? No Rebecca, you know what, after everything we've been through, you think I'd lie to you?"
"I overheard mom on the phone, and she definitely used the word pregnant. And Kitty is the only one of us having sex right now. Wait, unless you're..."
"Oh, me? No, no. Are you?"
"No... God I feel sad for us."
"Besides, I've been waiting for you to get up. I kinda want to know if the girl with the boobs forgave the initials girl."
"Did you already start watching?"
"If I said yes would you think less of me?"
"Why are you being so judgemental?"
"Because I have spent every waking minute trying to take care of you."
"Who asked you to?"
"Nobody! Nobody. I have no idea what I'm doing here."
"I can't believe you watch this crap. Is this what you were doing while I was in Iraq?"
"I feel horrible about what I said. It was hurtful, and it was mean."
"...and some of it true."
"I was angry, and I took a cheap shot at you. You are not pathetic. I'm pathetic, okay? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be getting clean."
"I'm just happy that you're getting the help that you need."
"I want you to know how important you are to me. And how deeply, deeply sorry I am."
"Wow. You're really good at this whole making amends thing, aren't you?"
"I've had some practice."
"She invited my mom over to bake, can't you stop this?"
"No. I mean look, you cannot get between Nora and a birthday party."
"So that's it?"
"Yep. Welcome to being a Walker."
"She was uh, accusing him of implying-"
"Implying what? Justin, implying what?"
"Of implying that he's your father."
"Well look, I mean if it's getting to you, why don't you just get like, a test or something?"
"You don't think I want to? Honestly Justin, I- I don't know if can just walk into some lab with what, his hairbrush? And find out that my life is a lie? Again? I just, I don't know if I can handle that."
"What if I come with you?"
"If David's my father, everything's gonna change."
"No, not everything.
"That's true, some things are constant. Like my mother being a pathological liar, but... the rest? I don't know."
"Whatever the test results are, we're not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere."
"You don't know that."
"I do. You can't get rid of me that easy. I have no friends."
"That's true."
"So did you hear anything yet?"
"He's not my father... David's not my father."
"So uh, wow. You're still a Walker."
"Looks like."
"Yeah, wow."
"That's great Rebecca. That's really, that's really great."
"I can't tell if you're happy... or disappointed."
"Why wouldn't I be happy?"
"Justin, you know we haven't really hung out since we went surfing, and you know, I just... I want things to be normal again."
"Y- You don't think things are normal? Things are normal."
"There was a minute there where she wasn't sure if she was our sister."
"She's not?"
"No, she is. She took a test. But when I found that out, I was kinda into that idea... that she wasn't."
"Kevin, how are you not getting this? I know you're gay, but you have eyes. You know, she's not like, unattractive. You know?"
"You're attracted to our sister!?"
"Because I thought she wasn't! That's what I'm saying."
"I'm making up like, hot chicks, that I'm supposedly dating, so that I can avoid her."
"Stop talking."
"I told you, I'm the most disgusting person in the world."
"Okay, let's just... let's just talk about this rationally. It's not entirely abnormal that you could possibly have these feelings. You weren't raised together, you know you met as adults... and you clearly have boundary issues. So you just need a little time out to stop thinking about... inbreeding."
"So what, you just decided that you didn't want to hang out with me, like all of a sudden I'm this annoying tag-along little sister?"
"You don't feel like my sister."
"Justin, I told you..."
"I know. But when you were talking about David maybe being your father, something, I- I don't know what happened. Where I was hoping that we weren't... that we're not related. And I had this weird moment, where I thought I had feelings for you, okay? And I know it's sick, and it's wrong, but it was just a moment. And I need to make sure that it doesn't happen again. But it doesn't help when you're around me all the time."
"That was weird for a minute, thinking we might not be related, right?"
"Yep, that was weird."
"My point is I just want you to forget it. It was stupid, and I let myself think that for second, and whatever sick part of me that felt that is over. I- I've fixed it. I mean, your my sister."
"No, I'm not. We're not related. Your dad's not my dad."
"But the test, you took a test, and you said-"
"I know, I was afraid to tell you."
"So, umm, I've been thinking a lot about everything. And uh, the thing is, I- I don't think I can do what you're asking me to do. I- I don't think I can start from square one."
"Oh, okay."
"Justin, you were the first person to reach out to me. Before anyone else, you were my friend. And when everything was happening these past couple of weeks, I... you're the person I wanted to talk to. You always are."
"An- and I mean everything's been crazy. I mean, first I find out that I have this family that- that I never even knew existed. And then suddenly, I- I don't."
"But then, it turns out that I do. Because by some miracle, you're all still willing to accept me."
"...and the closest thing you've got to a girlfriend is Rebecca."
"Oh that's hilarious."
"And I can't help but wonder... what if, in all of this insanity-"
"It was all just a way to meet you."
"Apparently everybody thinks I'm an an aimless loser."
"Hey. Aimless loser's my job."
"You want your DNA test? She's hot, I feel nothing."
"How could you do this to me Rebecca? You promised you were going to tell me the truth, and I- I believed you."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"I think you should go. Just go- go."
"So, uh, you like Rebecca."
"It was a fleeting moment, okay? And besides it doesn't matter, she lied to me."
"Listen, Justin, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that you two have always... connected. So, maybe it's something worth salvaging."
"Guess what, your father? Not exactly the perfect role model."
"What are you comparing me to my father? Wh- why are you even with me then?"
"You know what, just get out."
"Rebecca, what do you think I'm going to do, cheat on you? Is that it?"
"This is my apartment, leave."
"No, I asked you a question."
"Just get out!"
"I am not gonna leave you."
"I mean, wow."
"I can't believe we waited that long."
"We're idiots."
"What were we thinking?"
"We were thinking too much, that's what we were thinking."
"I'm done thinking."
"Me too."
"I can't believe we had fight sex before we had real sex."
"I think it counts as real sex."
"So, let's maybe start at square one. Uh, hi, I'm Justin... Walker. You're not a Walker, you're just some girl I'm holding my hand out to really awkwardly."
"How long have you been standing there?"
"A few seconds, I don't know. I was just listening to you hum in there."
"Do you know how creepy that is?"
"It's not creepy."
"No, I'm serious. I know I gave you a key, but next time maybe you could knock, or ring the doorbell, give me a little warning. . . . What?"
"I love you. Becca, I do, I love you."
"Wow, Justin, thank you."
"Is this uh, always how you make up?"
"No, no. Umm, I've just been thinking. You know that milestone we approached badly, the one we pretty much just smashed right into?"
"Yes, I uh, I remember."
"Yeah, um... I was scared. I've never said that to anyone before. It always just made things seem so final, and nothing ever really felt final to me. Except this. I know that I said that I wanted to wait for the right moment... there is no right moment. Because it's every moment. I love you."
"Can I say it back?"
"You better."
"I love you too."
"Justin, I asked you not to say anything."
"Look, I know my family, okay. And I knew it would go over a lot better if they were distracted."
"Go over better?"
"Rebecca, why are you so upset?"
"Because Justin, now that they know, everything changes. I mean, have you ever honestly thought about what's going to happen to me if we break up? You'll be fine, an-and I'll be the ex-girlfriend who everybody wshes would just be polite, and disapppear."
"That is so not true, okay? Everybody in that house loves you."
"Don't be a wuss, we're going to the beach."
"Yeah. You're a DNA tested and approved Walker, which means you have to learn how to surf."
"Rebecca, look about last night, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. God, you've lost so much in this last month. I mean, your mom, and David, and I should have been more sensitive to what you were feeling. "
"I'm just scared. If I lose you and your family, what do I have left?"
"Look, you're not the only one who's scared though. Rebecca, you're my best friend in this world, do you think I want to risk losing that?"
"The thing is, I think we have to... risk it, I mean. We should stop wasting time worrying about how it might end, because maybe... you know, maybe it won't end."
"Well yeah, okay fine. Last night was a success. But, Justin, when you're not there? Nothing means as much. Do you understand that? I do need you. A lot."
"Well maybe it's nice to hear once in awhile."
"Well I do."
"I do too."
"You snore, you know."
"No I don't."
"Yeah you do. You make like little snore noises."
"How'd you sleep, okay?"
"It was the best first time 'sleeping' together ever."
"Yeah well, it was my first time sleeping with a millionaire."
"Well don't get used to it, it's not gonna last."
"Okay, suddenly you're not half as sexy."
watch heldbywire for more picspams.
caps thanks to
brothersandsisters-tv.com - not dial-up friendly (not even close... i went a little overboard)
- minor spoilers through episode 314.