Okay, so gratuitious fanservice right from the start? Fanservice involving Bradley James? Me like. Me REALLY like. And Merlin just appearing right away when Arthur called him? I hereby conclude that he sleeps in Arthur's chamber, no other possibility.
For all his graverobbing evilness, Cedric was kinda awesome. I only feel a bit disappointed about one thing. Arthur, you should know better than trusting the first guy who comes along. Especially if the guy who, oh, I don't know, DRANK POISON FOR YOU, is telling you that he's evil. And there wasn't enough Morgana and Gwen (the Gwen/Arthur moments were really kinda sweet IMO)
Sorcerer guy going 'You could have Arthur trembling at your feet' made me think 'Wrong thing to say buddy, you've lost now.'
... Well, that's what I thought after the inevitable detour to the gutter.
Also, my aunt watched this episode with me. It was her first Merlin episode. Here are a few sample conversations.
Aunt: (about Gwen) But she's obviously head over heels for him!
Me: Well yeah, now. In first season, they had, like, five minutes of interaction.
Aunt: But it's cute!
Me: Well yeah. Not the fan-preffered couple though.
Aunt: What is?
Me: MerlinxArthur
Aunt: WHAT?!
Me: One day I'm gonna make you watch season one.
Aunt: They could've cast a better-looking actor for Merlin.
Me: Blasphemy! He's adorable!
Aunt: His ears are weird.
Me (whining): But... But... he's adorable! And awesome!
Aunt: The blond guy's good-looking.
Me: Duh, it's Bradley James. But Colin's cute! HOW CAN YOU NOT THINK SO?!
Also, this was the weirdest moment of the evening:
Me: Merlijn, be quiet, I can't hear what Merlin's saying.